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Posts posted by creepKillaz

  1. dont think it needs to be reduced to 4 players for a game to start, however a broadcast needs to be added that would broadcast for everyone to see (in both worlds) that when 1 player joins the lobby everyone online would see for example "1 players joined LMS lobby, 7 more people needed for a game to start" or something similar. this could potentially boost LMS activity atleast slightly

  2. im not sure if this is a bug or its just coded this way atm, i noticed couple times after a person dies in wild and its not your loot after u wait 1-2 minutes for the items to appear for everyone else on the ground and u teleport out of that place and go back to the spot the items will no longer be there.

    would suggest changing this for items to stay on ground (in wilderness) for like 5minutes atleast before it would disappear

  3. 20 minutes ago, Hope said:

    We're updating the default space for non-donators to 400 (from 350) on the next update to match OSRS.

    thats very nice, wish you made it 500 and then maybe leave the donator upgrades increase it in certain number like it is now just maybe a bit increased to match the non-donator bank space ratio

  4. 1 hour ago, Aspirant said:

    Yeah, I think it's a wee bit overkill. Never been a fan of a bank space paywall on rsps but meh. Highly doubt this will change buuuut since this is a suggestion, I'll add my input. Like I mentioned though. Don't expect this to ever change so easily.

    • Remove bank space restriction for all OR increase minimum with what I have below:
      • Non-Donators: 400 >750
      • Ruby: 500 > 1,000
      • Super: 700 > 1,250
      • Extreme: 1,000 > 1,500 
      • Legenary: 1,400 > 1,750
      • Uber: 2,000


    thats a good idea, 350 bank space for a regular account is so small. me personally i have bunch of shit in my bank but its only because i dont have alot of gp and every item might be useful for me later

  5. since i started this server first thing i noticed was the vote shop and how dull it is where most of the items are untradeable and those who are tradeable they're pretty much useless

    i'd suggest adding some low tier pvm/pk items like whips,barrows pieces or something similar that wouldnt have any bad effect on economy

    would like to see the shop rewards improved so there would be some reason to buy/collect vote points, since the shop is very dull the points prices went from like 1.5-2m to 400k ish

  6. 1. if the player holding the chest escapes wilderness add an announcement in the chatbox saying "... person has escaped with crystal chest" or w.e so if you're on a hunt looking for the chest/player with it u wont have to run around the wild for no reason and wasting time when the chest is already gone

    2. add another announcement updating every time the person holding the chest runs down 1 wild level so you could have a small idea where to look for it

    3. if the person logs out with the chest add an announcement informing that the chest has been dropped in whatever location

  7. 39 minutes ago, Wally said:

    5.  Even tho it is fresh and we all know you guys do not need runelocus and any other top list to stay the #1 server for a while.....

         The vote store is literally a joke, most players including myself already got this from the ::Store for $'s.
         Mayby add some unique things to it, such as a few cosmetics known to be liked.

    totally agree on this, i only joined yesterday but the vote shop is very dull imo, most of the stuff there isnt even tradeable. i know this is a eco server but come on, especially for new players vote shop rewards  is pretty much where the starter cash would really help. it doesnt have to be extra profitable or w.e but some new items that are tradeable would be very useful which u could sell or w.e

  8. i joined this server last night but im a bit worried how to make some gp so i could afford pk gear and shit like that

    i did thieving for a bit for some starter money but that got boring pretty quickly, any ideas i could hear?

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