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Lucky DH

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About Lucky DH

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  1. Paid for 20 runs since I know I can trust upset to get me the runs done, didnt bother with bank pin to #1 group ironman team. Super efficient and communicative. Thanks bro
  2. Add lucky group ingame ill msg you
  3. Another bump - most active clan to branch out to once you leave support cc!
  4. One more for the list - eim with dcb and bp
  5. Discord username: Lucky Ve #6973 Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: I have tested and implemented coding for some other older prolific RSPS, I won't name them. How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: My knowledge is very detailed. Runescape username & total level: 2150 total account i'd rather not mention the user. However I have an inferno and the achievement cape How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: I feel I'd be useful, delivering concise detailed reports and personal experience and a realistic means of putting my point across while gathering results. How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: I could offer a considerable amount of hours each week outside of working, perpaps 10-20 hours a week.
  6. I really shoulda posted this from Lucky Ve's account.... :5head:
  7. Whilst I agree with the idea behind what porn hub said, I can appreciate the monetary value with Lasanyer. So as a compromise, I suggest that you should be able to xfer donator status. Either by: Purchasing a tiered scroll from the store, using donator scrolls coupled with the tokens you have left (sometimes there are 25/50 tokens left - a mtx model, I can appreciate how the system works) on your account to buy a transferable scroll which would ONLY be able to be used on the desired account and not tradeable on the tp, that could cause a different set of problems. The value would either be a percentage of your donator rank you wish to transfer, or fixed tier costs - example: Uber - (25000 tokens) Legendary - (5000 tokens) Extreme - (1250 tokens) Super - (25 tokens) Regular - just buy a $10 again
  8. Could we get zuk to be a slayer task as an alternative to tzhaar? You could choose whether or not to do the full inferno or just the final 3 waves. This could be unlocked once you have defeated Zuk. To enable the inferno option you could talk to your slayer master once more after talking to them to turn your tzhaar task into a jad task. I'd love to see how well the slayer helm shreds in the inferno. If you fail, you just are required to get a new slayer assignment which doesn't break your streak, much like os.
  9. Well join our cc and we can do some learner raids. Not really been spooned in many places but fairly decent rng all round except raids which has been garbage.... completed kree in 300 kills, including the pet! Many more drop logs in our discord at discord.me/standalone
  10. Hello there! I'm Lucky, you might remember me as from such places as a general in "Standalone" CC where we hang out and generally have a decent time. I'm about to max my third account (1 normie & 2 gim acc) I've been in the RSPS game for at least 10 years, as a dev, a mod and a player. These days I just play for fun and to help those out with game knowledge, tips and teaching raids. I don't really use the forums much so looking forward to hopping on a lil more and seeing you on the forums as well as ingame
  11. Could we implement an instance for each of Verzik's phases? Selecting either a specific phase or have the whole fight (phases 1-3) While this is hard content and is intended to be that way, I feel this would be a great addition to help getting the mechanics down for smoother runs. It could cost instance tokens to set up and would not give any rewards. If you die it should be the same as regular TOB - paying for your items unless you are below the kc threshold.
  12. Lil' Bump super active clan and large member amount! Join our discord: discord.me/standalone
  13. Even if someone is maxed I always want to look them up. Support!
  14. Reloaded the client and reinstalled it to no avail - will this update coming fix it?
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