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Everything posted by FittyTuck

  1. Welcome to Zaros! I don't recognize your name from any servers I've played, but glad to meet you 😄
  2. Welcome @Janae Glad to see more and more members joining the forums!
  3. Well, what if we forgot about the drop rates and sir owens like I suggested. What if the prestige was made like V12 suggested. Everytime you prestige its just a new little icon and a 10m cash stack. No further changes such as drop rate boost and a smaller experience rate?
  4. Support. I like the idea. It gives those who actually reach the 1,000$ goal something to stand out. Any RSPS gives some sort of benefit to donors. OSRS and RSPS are completely different and if you haven't realized that, I mean..
  5. So, this is more of a smaller suggestion, but one that I'm sure our Uber players would like to see. Insane Donator - 10k donated One thing I feel, is that the benefits from this rank should be quite decent/beneficial. Again, this is a smaller one of my suggestions. Hope y'all like it!
  6. Hey Nico. Welcome to Zaros bro!
  7. Yeah, the drop rate and stuff was just based off a different server that died off. The prestige system is what kept me going on it for 5 years! The icons that were used was a bronze, silver and gold star. It would definitely be cool to see this added into Zaros!
  8. Looking forward to participating in these events! Are there different events hosted every weekend?
  9. I would like to suggest to add a prestige system! Requirements There would be only one real requirement to prestige: - Have lvl 99 in every stat! How to prestige There are two simple ways to prestige: 1. You prestige right after you hit your last 99.I would like to suggest to add a prestige system!RequirementsThere would be only one real requirement to prestige:- Have lvl 99 in every stat!How to prestige There are two simple ways to prestige:1. You prestige right after you hit your last 99.King Roald will teleport to you and will ask you to join him in a journey to his castle.2. You don't prestige right after you hit your last 99.You will simply have to travel to varrock castle (city teleports-varrock, as you would probably know by now).King roald will propose a new challenge to you. If you wish to prestige, accept this challenge and your stats will be reset. Prestige rewards and consequencesApart from the stat reset, there is one big consequence to prestiging: the exp rate drop. The following exp rates apply:Normal players: exp rate x200Prestige 1: exp rate x150Prestige 2: exp rate x100Prestige 3: exp rate x25Now on to the benefits!Prestiging for now offers mainly benefits for PvM players, with a decent Rare droprate increase:Prestige 1: 30% droprate increase compared to normalPrestige 2: 60% droprate increase compared to normal Prestige 3: 100% droprate increase compared to normal You also gain a small cash bonus of 5M 10M and 15M respectively.Last but not least, upon reaching prestige 3 you get the famous Sir Owen's Longsword as reward.This sword is extremely fast, while also having some decent stats.ConclusionPrestiging is certainly worth it for PvM'ers, and going for prestige 1 is quite easy and beneficial. King Roald will teleport to you and will ask you to join him in a journey to his castle. 2. You don't prestige right after you hit your last 99. You will simply have to travel to varrock castle (city teleports-varrock, as you would probably know by now). King roald will propose a new challenge to you. If you wish to prestige, accept this challenge and your stats will be reset. Prestige rewards and consequences Apart from the stat reset, there is one big consequence to prestiging: the exp rate drop. The following exp rates apply: Normal players: exp rate x200 Prestige 1: exp rate x150 Prestige 2: exp rate x100 Prestige 3: exp rate x25 Now on to the benefits! Prestiging for now offers mainly benefits for PvM players, with a decent Rare droprate increase: Prestige 1: 30% droprate increase compared to normal Prestige 2: 60% droprate increase compared to normal Prestige 3: 100% droprate increase compared to normal You also gain a small cash bonus of 5M 10M and 15M respectively. Last but not least, upon reaching prestige 3 you get the famous Sir Owen's Longsword as reward. This sword is extremely fast, while also having some decent stats. Conclusion Prestiging is certainly worth it for PvM'ers and would give everyone something more to do. This is made completely based off regular player accounts!
  10. Glad to see that there's an active forum as well. I've always been a bit of a forum junkie haha
  11. Hey everyone. Tried out this server and happen to really like it so figured I'd introduce myself to the community. I'm a 5 year veteran from a different server that recently died. Can't wait to play with some of y'all!
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