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plan b pill

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Posts posted by plan b pill

  1. yeah i kinda figured that would be the response. i understand now that it was just a simple misunderstanding in the dialogue. i had no idea that the skip scrolls do not work there at turael so i just assumed it would use my scroll instead of resetting my streak like it does on all other slayer masters. however it is nearly 12 pm here and i have been grinding slayer out on this 2 day old account and did not even notice that it said it would end my streak until after i went back for the second time to test it again just to make sure i didnt miss anything. which in this case i did. however i think its kinda crappy how it never mentioned that the skip scrolls did not work at turael. usually you just click (get assignment) and it takes the scroll. in this case it did not. i understand now that yes it has a small warning stating that it will reset my streak. but if you are like me and have been grinding towards 50 slayer streaks for the past 2 days on a realism account. trying to effortlessly get them done in a hurry and you slip up and overlook one small piece of dialogue and ruin your whole streak its kind of a let down and furthermore discourages me to even restart my streak and to just quit the game. because the account im playing already takes long enough to train on, let alone gather 50 slayer task streak bonus points.  just kind of a let down that the only resolution is to just  "restart" but anyways thanks for your time. 

  2. so yeah pretty plain and simple. ive been grinding slayer all day on my realism account trying to get enough points for my slayer helm and my fighters torso. on my 45th task i got wall beast, and i wanted to hurry up and get to 50 so i said screw it im not doing wall beast it takes too long. so i went to the tp and bought 2 slayer task skip scrolls. i went back to my slayer master to skip the task. with both of the scrolls in my invetory, i clicked the accept skip option and just like that it skipped wall beast and gave me crawling hands. but come to find out it reset my consecutive task streak. which is kind of a bummer because ive been grinding towards the 50 task streak all day for the 600 bonus points so i could have enough for my fighters torso.. please help

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