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  1. Feel free to check it out! I'm also open for feedback on the video itself as always 🙂
  2. Nes

    Zaros Wilderness Keys

    This helped me out a lot ❤️ cheers 🙂
  3. Nes

    remove dicing bag

    I think it's going to be hard to remove the dice bag. The odds are well known. If you put your wealth at risk at a host you're most likely going to lose (atleast over a longer period). I agree that gambling (especially hosted gambling) has a negative impact on the overall playerbase, but at the other side it's a huge part of Zaros aswell. People that get cleaned donate to the server to make the rebuild easier. And we all know Zaros needs donations. Honestly I don't see why you would gamble at a host at all when you can litteraly get max combat stats in no-time and go to the duel arena for a 50/50 chance to win.
  4. It seems like the dragon d'hides are pre-nerf if we're talking about magic defence bonusses. The pictures beneath here are just an example of one fight (these freezes are most of the freezes during the whole fight) I see that I don't have augury on, but I can't remember splashing this often when augury wasn't a thing yet.
  5. Hey man! The 100$ won't be fake! You think I'd skip a free 100$? 😉 Ofcourse I can not talk in Merk his name, but for me there would be no reason to fake giveaways since Zaros sponsors my giveaways!
  6. It shouldn't be too hard to make, so why not. Makes everything a bit more clear for the irons!
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