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  1. No way lets not give a completely useless but one of the rarest items in game an actual use!! There is literal no reason to go to Galvek other than to stand on the necks of other teams on this server, the drops were 'fine' for the first day or so.. but over a week in 5 superior dragonbones and items that can only be used inside a dead wilderness doesn't cut it. Support.
  2. contesting 6am wild bosses and making a topic
  3. Another 2 months of BlackNans mass recruiting and merging with every other team in rsps history. How many will they actually have on the release day? Doesn't matter they still can't compete with us
  4. It's okay rsps team cheerleader, whilst you have the pompoms cheering on whatever team you're nuttridding I'll be with my girls getting the fancams, catch me at the next concert sweetie.
  5. Keep your weird fetish to yourself cringelord
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