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  1. Well, I've played the open beta and have a mixid feeling about this game. The engine that is use for Black Ops is simpler and less advanced as off the engine from warfame, this made me feel a bit more if an step back instead of a step forward seen the Warfare engine is far more realistic. but other then that is does give you an oldschool Black Ops feel which is nice.
  2. I find your clan name some what racist? since the word black is in it 😮
  3. quick, easy, and simple 😄
  4. I am thinking about GIM but not so sure since I would like to have a dedicated group, otherwise I will just go for regular mode.
  5. thanks much appreciated, feel free to fill in the appeal format. 😄
  6. Discord username: Manatee#1867 UID (486524410384351233) Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: I have been testing bugs when I was working on my own private server. How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: I've been playing runescape since I was 10 years old I am currently 25 years old so I do think I have a fair amount of Experience in playing Oldschool Runescape. Runescape username & total level: Een Agent (currently working on this account to get the quest cape) 1441 Total level Combat 89, FiddleyDoo, 1540 Total level Combat 104, Averonest 1308 Total level 103 Combat, How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: well Since i've been playing Oldschool Runescape for so long I feel like I have a lot of knowledge about the game, what could help out with finding out things that could use changes or help improving with in-game content. How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: between 20-30 hours.
  7. Manatee

    Discord clans

    I had a suggestion off perhaps add in a channel for clan leaders where they can post there clan link for some advertisement since not everyone will be using these forums. This will make it easier for clans to grow, and perhaps add a 'Clan Leader' rank for those who where verifeid by the staff team. Hope people will like this idea.
  8. Manatee

    Monk's Graphics

    This, looks really good. Obvious alot of work is put in ever item. Great work.
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