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legendary donator logoLegendary Donator
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Posts posted by Jonathon

  1. No support.

    Some donator benefits are already overpowered as they are now, wouldn't think it would be a good idea to add these commands for donators. This would really give the fact of being pay2win.

  2. Hello,

    Recently a common asked question in the support cc's have been "where is the market" or "where is the trading post located", I thought instead of saying west of edge bank or west of ::home, we should add a command that will teleport players directly to the trading post. The command wouldn't only benefit new players but it would make it a lot easier for everyone.

    Command Ideas: ::tp or ::market



  3. Pretty sure they allow refund to status only if the death happens because of something that had happened on their end, not sure if they are 100% doing status refunds though.

  4. Don't think so, you might need to create a new account.

    If you want to lock your experience remember to do ::xplock in-game.

  5. No support.

    The fail rate is good where it is to be honest. The amount of money you can make from thieving heroes per hour is extremely high, like I mean you can make roughly around 3-4m/hr with the thieving fail rate right now, don't think they need to buff anything.

  6. Seems like many people are having this issue, not sure why cause I ain't experiencing this issue, might have something to do on their end.

    Try messaging staff on discord or you can also use Live chats which can be located in the store on the Zaros website.

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