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Posts posted by EjM

  1. What pk clans are on zaros? I got tons of single/multi experience i was in Sv on 07 for 2-3 years before i got banned on 07. I got max cape on zaros and realized pking quite dead but im interested if any clans are recruiting or anything. 

  2. https://oldschoolrunescape.fandom.com/wiki/RuneScape_clock






    Seems like the whole Dev team is unaware this exists, I don't code nor do i know much about anything but just from viewing a few public runescape wikis i can probably build a better combat system then what zaros ^.^ Everytime i enter the wilderness i find new bugs/issues.

  3. On 12/15/2020 at 9:41 AM, 100M said:

    What a waste of time the last week has been. If I had known this server would have been overhyped just to have CONSTANT issues I would have never joined. After losing 150M to a rollback last night and being told my staff to make a report and doing so only for it to be completely ignored im done. Going back to OSRS where my time and efforts aren't wasted and the game actually works as intended. Zaros exists only to collect donations from people who feel its actually going somewhere when in reality the only place its going is downhill fast.

    Quit while you're ahead.


    This server is nothing but a fucking problem, that nobody tries to solve. They keep trying to cover up their mistakes and keep claiming their donation money, but don't worry David this won't go on for long when you treat your player base the way you do.


    Zaros, you have given me nothing but reason to Uninstall your app based off your poor ability to handle the situation last night. Too many people lost too many things and my voice went unheard in the bug reports section leaving me at a loss of 150M coins, which I'm not going to reattempt to make back.

    Victim relax its a rsps LOOOOOOL

  4. Whenever you barrage someone if you splash once or twice they instantly gain gap and you no longer can reach them, on 07 you can normally get 4-5 splashs before you get gapped. On here it seems a player gets out of reach of a barrage way to quickly. It seems the pathing is very messed up and inaccurate compared to 07 

    Barrage/freezing is really broken, i don't know the cause but a few examples are. I was pking at rogues chest and the players looting chests seem immune to being frozen i don't know the cause, but if they are looting chests i literally can barrage them 6+ times and they won't get frozen.  Also if you freeze a player on the wilderness obelisk and you both teleport to a new location they become unfrozen, on 07 they remain frozen because they are still near you. There are a lot of examples on how the freeze system is broken these are just two.

    Entangle is completely fucked, if you snare someone and get gapped either you get a message "this player is already frozen" even thought they are literally running there isn't a immunity or anything its something that lasts for ever until they log or escape. Either that happens or if you entangle someone and they run they no longer can get frozen from a entangle, i entangled someone and they got unfroze and i entangled them like 9+ times and none of them registered as a freeze even thought it wasn't a splash.

  5. 5 hours ago, Iron Jahhh said:

    I feel as if the general store prices lowering depending on the stock is not a good system to use, if you sell a stack of your items they reduce down to being basically worthless and you wont know the amount youll get for your items until youve actually sold it all. I think it should be changed to which this feature is removed, and the store purchases items at  a fixed rate.


    Also, a proper decanting system should be added, not just the option for a (4) potion, but all four options should be available, Please consider these 

    Allowing decanting of any dose potion by choice would be cool, so u can make like 50x (2) doses or whatever may be needed.

  6. People use software that allow them to have mirrored clients off to the side of there pc so they can autoclick/macro while using there pc still. This is a mass amount of gp coming into the game i think it needs to be fixed asap. 1 person can run 5+ accounts on one pc while they skill or pvm still.

  7. The first days/weeks of the server getting everything from scratch is so much fun. But my opinion the shops seem really dry and unfriendly for new players/pkers. The prices of potions/runes and the current options we have to choose from right now is pretty bad.  Would be nice to see stuff get added and prices decreased for some things.

    Making it where items get automatically noted if you don't have room to hold the amount of items you have would be nice, instead buying 27 recoils 10x i could just purchase 270 in 1 inventory at one time. 

    In the general store if you check the value of a item it will tell you it's value, but if you sell 100x of the item the value you get in return goes down for each item. If it tells me i will get 200gp per death rune, but i sell 100 death runes at one time i won't get 200gp per death rune the price goes down for each item even if i do it all at once. This should probably be fixed. It told me i'd get 10.6k per onyx bolt tip, i sold 10 and got around 70k even though it told me id get 10.6k ea and i sold "10" at once. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Leaned said:

    Hello @EjM

    You can find that list of donation benefits here: 


    oh thank you, but hopefully could get added to a command in game like ::donator and this will pop-up or something like that.

  9. We all love to gamble but some of us get addicted and some of us lose everything and just quit. 

    Right now, there is a mass amount of rich players who host games such as 55x2, which is cool. But in the end it will lead to eco holders/certain players having unfair advantage's due to more odds then others. Seeing a change would be nice it'll help keep some players from quiting or losing there banks by the same people who have unfair odds. For example a ::gamble zone, where you can duel each other in flower pokers would be good, no middle-man needed or anything it'll be 50/50 odds fair for everyone. 

  10. There has been a shit ton of donations to the server in the last few days, its great this server is booming. 

    Can we get a list of all benefits per tier of donating? I have no idea the amount i need to donate for my next tier, nor what i will unlock/benefit. I think there should be a list of benefits you get per tier. Also maybe add a special attack restore/anti-venom pool to ::Dzone, having to drink anti potions everytime you get venomed in the future will be annoying once everyone gets toxic staffs or blowpipe's etc.

    ::dzone for pvp would be cool, maybe add a ::Dzone rev only that is single combat? Something else besides a few skilling spots or whatever would be nice. 

  11. Switching seems to be really delayed, i am able to switch and click on my opponent and the game doesn't respond for a second or two, it isn't my net nor the world plenty of friends have mentioned the same issue. Some ticks seem to be delayed, after drinking a pot or combo eating some ticks are longer then normal, there is a lot of flaws.

    Freeze distance is fucked up, if frozen and your opponent moves 12 squares away you get unfrozen on here it is way more then that, therefore if you get frozen and the guy gets unfrozen and runs you get gapped easy. Also the cooldown for barrage normally is 3 seconds (5ticks) seems to be quite different on here.

    A bug i noticed which isn't a issue on my side it's something to do client/server sided. Whenever you spam click either a ladder, lever or a place where your screen will have to "loading...." it sometimes messes up and kicks you offline, it'll dc you completely from the game I've died like 4 times from that, also plenty of friends have experienced the same issues.

    Wilderness npc's, i have not tested nor tried this on all npc's in the wild. But for the most part the kbd cage demon have a agro/attack distance of more then 1 square, when normally it should only be 1 square exactly. Other npc's like ankous and zombies/skeletion/hobgoblin's all seem to be the same issue. The animation/attack seems to be off tick or delayed from when it actually happens. so instead it being a 1 tick hit it seems a little more.

  12. Is this server designed around pvm only? right now pking seems pretty much untouched.

    Hopefully we can get some type of clan hotspot once or twice a week, where we can get clans to fight it out for a hour and winners get a reward. Maybe like locaton is GDZ for 1 hour, which ever cc gets most kills or point wins. 

    There is hundred's of different type of pkers/clans on this server but pking/wilderness activity's just aren't doing it. There should be some type of slayer/pvm monsters implicated into the wilderness, then be requirements to kill them like certain amount of risk or whatever so it'll attract more pvmer/pkers.

    Hopefully more wilderness events get added, right now there is only 1 boss and it seems to be pretty lame, the announcement for it's spawning should be server wide for all worlds, and announced in the pm chat box not the normal chat box. Also hp events/wilderness keys, and other events should be added bosses for multi/single etc.

    Not to sure if or how wilderness slayer is on this server, but maybe add a second slayer master for wilderness only tasks, and make it a requirment 100+ combat/250-500k+ risk to do the tasks. Some tasks multi/single some 30+ wild some under, allowing larran keys to be on drop table and whatever else is decided. 


  13. Discord username: Lonewolf333#4589
    Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: Yes, a lot.
    How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: been playing for 7+ years, pking my whole life.
    Runescape username & total level: Rsn - Cringe / Maxed account.
    How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: I feel like i can test plenty of different aspects of pking, when it comes to singles/multi i would be a lot of help in finding stuff that isn't correctly coded or implicated.
    How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: 4+ a day.

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