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  1. https://gyazo.com/c4e58fd2708274159c44111e4da3d244 I LOVE POLAR.
  2. Can we see the following changes added to COX? This is from the osrs update list, IMO most important is new chest and CM raids vasa crystal health/stats nerfed by 50% as vasa if you don't have a tbow is just a huge brick wall. Can we PLEASE get the ability to set a scale? I myself like to do scaled raids, but we're limited to 3 people per IP, me and my girlfriend are stuck only able to bring one alt asking people to afk in a raid just so we can scale it up. Devs have the ability, can you let us scale a raid? (failed an osrs poll by a few percent, should be added on here with limited ip/playerbase/penatly for not being 115 combat) COX chest presets - this would help new/experienced players speed things up going into olm/CM raids, presets ready for when you reach the end of the floor - would be a huge quality of life and everyone benifits from the 10 second time save/ruined raids by forgetting a stam pot at olm. RUNELITE PLUGINS = 'Raid data tracker' so we can track our purples, points, team points, personal points, seen items etc also Cox light colours, small but meaningful fun seeing a blue light for a mega rare etc. 'COX TIMERS & COX CRAB STUN TIMERS' P.S PLEASE UNCAP THE REWARDS, YOU GET MORE HERBS/RUNES/ORES ON OSRS THAN YOU DO ON HERE... ITS BAD ENOUGH GOING X DRY OR GETTING 10 SCROLLS IN A ROW THAN GETTING 30 HERBS AS A DROP PER RAID TY
  3. 100% agree, I would love to have the ability to PICK what layout i want if I'm spending 5 days of vote tokens on a raid, mainly for big scales some of the raids are good but are really hard to do a 2 + 3 scale etc. Maybe change the price to 5 vote tokens? If you gave a list of 20 odd raids ranging from high points to WR layouts/no preps would be great
  4. Title ^ - these fishing spots are fun and usually have a great comunity, currently shark is a bit underwelming - would be nice to have spots for food that are useful Also fishing is so slow, really really slow. Anglers at 97 fishing catch at a rate of 150-180 an hour if you paying decent attention, it's so slow. ty for my ted talk, pls add those spots to the donor zones
  5. This achievement needs to be looked at, currently a very select few can TOB and will take a learner - I've been actively been searching for teams for a week now and have completed a total of 2 runs. You have to be lucky the 10 people who do tob are on the same time as you or are willing to take you as they'd rather go with people who know what they're doing. Tob does not scale, I've been trying to learn duos without much success, can we please change this achievement to maybe 5 completitions or move it to the master tier so it doesn't block a comp cape? This achievement purely requires other skilled players to complete, if you can't play every day at different timezones your comp cape is done. Yes story mode is coming to osrs in a few months, then it'll take a few months to be implimented on here - TOB should scale for duos, fair enough if we have a huge community like osrs to find teams such as discord servers etc, but we simply don't. I'm not about trying to make the comp cape easier to get, TOB realiscally will be peoples last few achievements due to the gear required to do the content, it's a huge road block simply because you cannot do it alone
  6. Agree with TOB I suppose if you're not a pvmer you'll die easily, wards kinda, they're easy enough to get. Don't agree on the bones, thats easy - you missed the rev artifact, that should be in the master atleast
  7. This achievement is one of the biggest gate keepers of the completitionist cape due to hours of the same few people pking at revs. I don't care they can pk, thats what the wilds for but with one world and people demanding payment or you get ragged or constantly killed every 10 minutes for the chance of getting a 1 in x thousands drop being in the 'hard tier' is stupid. The same tier has the achievement 'Kill 100 revs' Pkers nowadays are incredibly good, with the ability to see what level your target is, presets, teleports straight to you if you're somewhat of an average player you stand 0 chance if someone teleports within a few tiles and lands a tb, I feel like this achievement is just there so pkers have people to kill, clans can force players into making payments for 'protection'. IMO that achievement should be a master wilderness achievement P.S - To people who will say this will make the wildy atleast slightly active or it is what it is, it won't - wilderness needs rewarding content, engaging pk content not just forcing a long rng frustraiting achievement down irons/players throats for the sake of a clan to make a few gp and get a few easy kills
  8. I second the gauntlet boosted event, maybe two unique rolls or double loot?
  9. https://gyazo.com/f06e6493b57a07569ec326081e37feb0 Huge fucking F
  10. Doesn't make it 1 in 350 hydra has one unique roll and one standard roll, if you don't hit the unique table it'll roll a standard, second roll cannot roll a unique
  11. Doesn't have 2 unique rolls so it is 1 in 700, you get one chance at a unique and one standard loot, if you dont hit the unique table you get two standard loot so it is 1 in 700. I don't really care if it gets buffed, although is basically bis in a lot of places so should be rare
  12. This is something osrs is looking to impliment as per a recent QnA + many of the top tier servers already have this, offer the ability to save a layout for a period of time. What would also be incredible is a one time fee or sacrifice a raids drop or x amount to have a perm chest built in your raid. I've noticed events have the ability to scale a raid to whatever they like, could we also get this ability so we don't have to bring loads of alts due to ip restrictions? Pros - saves time scouting, money sink Cons - Less scouting, more time to raid
  13. Epic log man, hopefully my luck will catch up in the next 100 - obliquely F for the maul
  14. 50 Solos, 35 3/4 man scaled duos & 15 duos https://gyazo.com/2c238f0d044b8dbef4e56097f3a06290 Other items seen x2 dex, 1x dragon hunter crossbow Heres to the next 100
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