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Posts posted by JLane

  1. Took at least 20+ Targets in 100k+ Risk for my Tier 1 emblem to finally upgrade to a Tier 2. I understand that they don't want emblem boosting, but it feels nearly impossible to upgrade an emblem. 

    Blighted Teleport sacks not allowing you to teleport too your target even though it shows up as a required source for the spell, so if you wanna TP to target with an emblem thats -4 inventory spaces.

    Blood money cooldown for recent kills seems to have been extended, killing people who I haven't killed in close to 12-24+ hours and still not getting blood money on the kill, saying you have killed this person recently.

    There's 3 complaints apart of a long list of shitty mechanics.... 

  2. Shout box is a good idea. Other than discord obviously, its good to see real time updates via shout box. Ofc, Discord kinda defeats the purpose of it, but its still a cool tool to have.

  3. Username: JLane
    Discord: JLane#5049
    Anything We Need To Know? Played each seasonal DMM on osrs but as a solo/IRL friend group. Pretty experienced in all forms of Pking & general wilderness knowledge. 
    Any Clan Experience In Your Past? I've led pure clans for a long time on Rs back in 07'-10'. Most recently was with Fatality on Rs due to alot of friends in their ranks. Mostly solo pked on Rsps though would be nice to have a crew and not get zerged.

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