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About joshuaa

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  1. very good and fast service! (he wont alch ur pet drops) ❤️
  2. Team Name: #Spoon Squad Team captain: J o s h u a Team members: Jean, No 1, Firehawk1987
  3. Inventory Note: Imbued Heart is not needed, but it does help with tanking some of the magic damage. Gear Note: You do not need to be on task to kill Vanstrom Klause, although having a vampyre task with slayer helm on will decrease your kill time and improve your damage output. Note: You do need Ivandis Flail or Blisterwood Flail in order to deal damage to Vanstrom Klause. Both weapons can be purchased from the Slayer Reward Shop. Substitutions for gear (Best to worst): Helm: -> -> -> Top: -> -> / Bottoms: -> -> Rings: -> -> Amulet: -> -> Boots: -> -> / -> How to get to him: Through the Zaros teleporter which is accessible in your spell-book tab, click on bossing -> scroll down to Vanstrom Klause. Talk to him and click "Yes, I'll fight him" to begin the fight. You will enter the arena blocked by a red portal wall and the fight will begin. Pray Magic & Piety Note: Vanstrom Klause has two phases. Special Moves: He will summon an acidic bloodveld which will chase you around the room, you can kill it with range. Failure to avoid the acidic bloodveld will lead you to be a dealt a nice explosive damage. On the first phase, he will do this shadow barrage, doesn't hit for much. After you've killed his first phase, he will transform into some sort of gas and move to the middle of the fight arena. He will regenerate his health by 200 During the second phase, he will release constant lightning bolts which first appear as shadows on the floor tiles, avoid the shadowed tiles to avoid massive damage. Note: You will still take damage from nearby lightning bolts but the damage will be reduced significantly. Vanstrom Klause Drop Table.
  4. Welcome to the server buddy! Was a pleasure having you as a friendly wilderness target haha ❤️
  5. Welcome to the server 🙂
  6. This would ultimately hurt the server in the long run. It would hurt funds that go into the server, payroll and ultimately making it not viable to run. As much as it would be nice to kinda "chuck" all your donator account totals onto one, its better to leave it as is for the purpose of the longivity of the server. Players should be 100% certain about what account type they sink their money into, to avoid the problem of useless accounts with X donation total on it.
  7. NOTE: THIS VIDEO WILL ONLY DO YOU GOOD IF YOU KNOW HOW TO DO OLM IN DUOS/TRIOS AND KNOW THE MECHANICS OF OLM, MEANT FOR THOSE TRYING TO LEARN THE HEAD MOVEMENTS IN SOLO OLMS. I started off kind of rough, just had woken up and was messing up quite a bit. Nonetheless, this is how you should be going about your Solo Olm kills. This video has no audio as its purpose is to demonstrate the specific tiles you need to stand on to rotate the head during Olm phases.
  8. Also, it wouldnt affect the regular blood fury, as the fury is a tribrid necklace. These would be just for their respective styles
  9. I like that idea. Blood Shard Extension Kit that can be added to the Anguish, Torture and Occult Necklace? Thats a brilliant idea
  10. Allow Blood Shard to be added to the amulet of torture. Could be a perk that can be added to Slayer Reward Shop for a few thousand points. Would give more incentive to players to go after blood shards, and actually use them. Also requiring it to be a few thousand points and requiring a torture in the first place means it wouldn't be something easily obtainable, and since it degrades with charges, wouldn't impact prices of anything. The stats of the torture will remain the same, the only difference would be the possible chance of healing.
  11. So I had an idea about the current state of Hardcore and Elite Ironman accounts. Personally, I have both types of accounts and I can't seem to want to pvm the way i'd like to on them. Reason being, as many others are also afraid of, is dying to a game disconnect or internet failure. It keeps me, and many many others from doing things that are a bit more dangerous for those potential gear/weapon upgrades. Especially if you've donated quite a bit and have gotten far into the game mode, it would be extremely demotivating to die to a disconnect. So with this being said, I have the idea of the "FORGET-ME-NOT" Crystal for Hardcore and Elite ironmen. This crystal, would be sacrificed upon death (whether its disconnect related or mistakes made) and you'd keep your symbol. Now, this sounds OP, but fear not. To purchase a crystal, you'd have to spend 15M coins every time you died. It gives incentives to players to try more dangerous activities without the worry of dying to something not in their control,while also keeping the risk of dying still there because theres only so many times you'd be able to purchase it before going broke. The crystal model could be a recolored Ancient Shard for convienence/time saver sake.
  12. Recent pets on the latest update are custom. Such as the blood bunny and mutant torn pet.
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