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About Vladdo

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  1. Thank you brodie, any chance I can be greedy and ask for a x3 WT and tempoross boost kekw
  2. Imma just go ahead and assume clue boost is +3 not x3 kekw but pog ty
  3. Nice clean small update 🙂 Thank you
  4. Very thorough and in depth, thanks mate
  5. "+2 clue rolls" oh yea super great lmao
  6. Thank you for reading it out Hope I appreciate it
  7. They do ya silly goose lol
  8. Howdy, I been playing a while now (roughly 200d ingame time), and I've noticed some things that can use some improvements or small updates. 1. Brimstone key rates. A very controversial topic, since its been said the rates are "buffed" but I've done at least 1000 Konar tasks and the key rates are essentially 1:1 to OSRS rates from what I've experienced. I feel due to this being a private server, it wouldn't hurt having increased rates since everything else has increased rates. 2. Elite clues. A lot of npc's have elites coded on their drop tables when they should not (e.g Catablepons, Cave crawlers, Ogres, etc). I feel like cleaning stuff up like this will provide a smoother experience for players seeking out content that isn't actually there in the first place. 3. Boss caskets. One of my favorite additions to the game, I think it would be cool/fun to add a very rare chance to obtain master clue bottles from these, a small bit of unique content, like our dragonite ores 🙂 4. Dragonite ores. When you mine these with infernal tools, and if it procs the smelt, the ore and bar disappear completely. Would be cool if they smithed the bar on the spot. 5. Sara wizards from hard clues. These suckers are way too tough for what they are. I'd make them more comparable to the Zammy wizards from the wildy in terms of how hard they hit ya. 6. Doom tools. I guess I'll keep asking for it, but a small buff to the tools. It takes a hefty amount of items and gp to sink into doom for 1 of these upgraded tools. Yes, they dont degrade, yes they are a combined crystal/infernal tool, but for an endgame player things like crystal shards or smouldering stones don't matter. What matters are the rates and efficiency towards 200m exp. A small percent increase to the efficiency of doom tools would make it actually worth investing into these tools for endgame players, and early game players don't touch these so I really just cannot see how a buff could possibly hurt the game or economy. It can only make it better. That's all, thank you 😄 Like I said, small things, but things that stand out to me.
  9. Finished with 2 tanz fangs https://imgur.com/a/HkOqzDq
  10. https://imgur.com/a/0m4xxIl Sign up 🙂
  11. Pog, green log meds this weekend? Guess we'll see
  12. Wait so are pets no auto insured?
  13. Vladdo

    Force logout

    Game force logged me, and I haven't been able to log in since- every time I log in, I see the game for 1 game-tic, then force logs me again. What do I do, and how can this be fixed?
  14. Thank you much, shout out to @meso dizzyfor the ::yell 😄
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