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Everything posted by Fawk

  1. The amount you receive from coin pouches increases with your total level. This doesn't need to be changed. The donator stall gives like 3-5k per click at max total level if I recall correctly. No Support.
  2. I don't think you should be getting rewarded every single raid chest. The junk in there kinda evens it out. 95% of people that do raids in osrs don't even use those items either. Unsure what the current gen store price is for those items. But they could be given a slight increase so you could sell then for a bit of change?
  3. Fawk


    Welcome! Looking forward to some content!
  4. Been in the runescape community for around 15 years and this had to be one of the best clan chats I've been in. Ignore the shameful plugging above and come give us a shot!
  5. Awesome dude, 100% trustworth. Dced and still finished it like a champ. thanks alot
  6. Full on Support. A lot of OCE players are put off playing due to the delay on the world's. I'm from New Zealand, have the fastest internet available and sit around a 250 ms delay in w1 We're pretty much restricted to w1 for any boss due to having a 400 ms delay in w2. Making instance tokens almost a requirement to do non instanced bosses... While American and Europe have the choice of two words with semi decent ping. I really hope they do this. Would be one of the first rsps to cater for oce players too +1 Obviously
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