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  1. I agree, would be cool. Needs a toggle-on-off setting though.
  2. I understand the idea behind this suggestion but I don't think that this is a proper way to fix the issue. 1) What does a "higher price" mean? They vary alot anyway and it would have to be updated many times. 2) It would absolutely devalue any of those "big items". They are meant to be rare and expensive. To be honest I wouldn't know any other solution but I do not go with this one.
  3. Now they have 10 HP. Reduce their HP to 1, (On OSRS they have 1 HP) so you dont need max range and rigour to properly shoot your chins when hunting.
  4. Here some ideas to make Sepulchre less painful (also make it more OSRS-like) 1.) Increase Grand Coffin loot success rate: Now, it takes like 10 tries on average to successfully loot the Grand coffin (Floor 5). It is not like that in OSRS and I do not see the reason why it would be like that. 2.) Make it possible to leave the fenced area (grand coffin area) on floor 5 through the door you have entered it. Currently, you get the message "You don't see a reason to go back that way." It would speed things up (by a tiny bit) if you could leave the area through that gate. Also it is like that in OSRS. 3.) Fix the flying swords. Here im not sure if this is possible at all, but when the swords arrive at their destination, they are still able to hit you. In OSRS, it is so that when they stand still, they do not hurt you. Fixing this would make the experience more fluent and OSRS alike. Stopping at those Swords is a bit tedious. [ 4.) If those things are not fixable: increase the XP reward by like 10-15%. Compared to Ardy course its almost not worth doing, even if getting 6:30 average runs. First 3 things fixed, this XP buff would not be needed since combined those would increase the XP slightly. ]
  5. When the Ward is charged with Dragonfire it does not save as placeholder. Makes presets with it very annoying. Please change
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