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  1. I SUPPORT the idea of: NO host odds, or atleast only cash bets, with a rule of maximum? Idk. Duel arena should be TAXED, and only CASH Can be staked. Full support on that
  2. SUPPORT. This is such a brilliant idea for a gold sink. Players Will totally take the odds, meanwhile the % sink fucking OP. I mean damn, Well done
  3. Thanks for this guide. Good job
  4. Shanezz

    Coin Pouch

    Osrs would not like. No support sry mate
  5. Massive respect, i held 350 at some point. Good job on that achievement alone EDIT: you deserve atleast one pair of ranger boots from those medium clues🍾😎
  6. I just commented ur wc guide. Look THIS is what i call a fucking masterpiece of a guide, every useful and needed detail is mentioned and explained. Great work and beyond
  7. One more to the collection. I mean it’ beatifully created. Nice pics , xp rates and levels shown. But this is just basic useless shit explained fashionably. The guide of how to level your fletching to 99 is way out of meta. Guides are supposed to be knowledgeable not 2+2=4 drawn with coloured letters and a shiny picture attached. Good job on the layout tho
  8. The fact is whenever ANY ip other than the one YOU have accepted, tries to log onto your account, a new auth is required to be able to log in, again which only you have access to. Ontop of of that, only one IP can be "accepted" at a time. let's say: e.g: You log in on your mates IP at his house and accept the 2fa. when you get home and then have to reaccept the 2fa with your new 6 digit number. He will not be able to log in to your account, because the accept resets. This is safe. just some info, if you didn't already know. anyway, i support yuor suggestion, as why not. security is always good
  9. You should setup 2fa authenticator
  10. I support introducing temporarily yell-mutes overall. E.g: X-player has been yell-muted for 1 hour X-player has been yell-muted for 4 hours. Etc. doesn’t have to be a big deal. Helps everyone ind the end
  11. As November said. Support. The target teleport makes Bounty hunter avoidable. Atleast introduce a function to toggle off just that. However I do support a full turn off Bounty hunter option
  12. Hey. As the title says i am offering to do ALL quests on your account at once Requirements: I will provide everything needed. price: 25m cash Contact/ discord: ShaneZZ#5455
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