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  1. Jerk

    First elite to die!

    I suicided my elite https://prnt.sc/vvyxo9
  2. That's what discord and forum moderators are for. >.>
  3. I don't get the point of leagues when it does nothing to benefit you in-game. But I guess if people have fun lol.
  4. I'm going to be doing Elite Hardcore, first, then a normal account to fund my realism account. You'll get there! Just keep your find focused and have a movie on the side - it helps!!! Rip my guy, Get too it!!
  5. Excited too play the Elite Ironman mode, I plan on being in the first top 20 maxed.
  6. Added on Discord, LegitAimAssist#5520, thanks for the giveaway man. I'm pretty excited for Zaros since this will be my first RSPS since 2010. IGN: Jerk
  7. Jerk

    Jerk Beta Test

    Discord username: LegitAimAssist#5520 Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: No, but you could partner me up with someone so I can gain experience doing so, if something is off I should be able to tell though. How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: I've been around the Runescape community for 15/16 years. Runescape username & total level: Before I sold my main account it was 2243 total level,(needed the money.) My current normal account is 1638 and my ironman is 1442. (NarutoRunIRL and Area Code - usernames) How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: I feel like I could be useful because it could give a fresh opinion of a veteran player of runescape and I plan on being around until the day the server closes. How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: 10+ due to being unemployed. Even though server will be up in a week, thank you for your consideration.
  8. Jerk

    Suh dudes

  9. Social anime chat; join "Weebs" in-game. This isn't really a clan; but I guess you can consider it a social clan for anime fans to gather and chat.
  10. Jerk


    Welcome. Get tons of rare drops.
  11. As an NA player; I feel you Oce gents and ladies need a server. I apologize for your horrible ping on every game.
  12. Jerk


    Leave weebs outta this. :c ? You again!?
  13. Jerk


    Hello friends, You may add Jerk - Weebs - Private, those are the 3 names I'll be using for now. Feel free to call me Josh, I originally posted under the name twitch but I feel like that was a boring name too use for forums.
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