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Posts posted by Demise


    2 hours ago, Jack Sparrow said:

    Feel like the floors lighting up too fast later on in the fight is what's killing people. Done countless on 07, the accuracy seems fine to me. The staff seems to have a 5 tick speed instead of 4 tick.

    The accuracy is not fine, kills range from 2-6 minutes and thats not prep time thats just the boss fight itself, the current global times are set with a bug being pre potted before entering using a bug someone was able to get osrs times. I did a 3min prep in normal and hun time should be 2min or so and it took me over 6 minutes for a total time of 9mins and change weapon accuracy is wrong or the bosses stats are if you think the current state of gaunt is fine I highly question the validity of your "countless kc". as someone that actually has kc these are the problems as they stand.

    Ground tiles ignite much too quickly in corrupt.

    Weapon accuracy or boss stats are tweaked wrong.

    Rooms can render in such a way you can't access or move through them

    Make all is default on singing bowl which causes you to waste shards if you forget.

    Crystal tornadoes current true tile is a tile possibly 2 ahead of the model causing you to get hit and not being able to properly woox walk with halberd.

    The fishing ticks are much slower than they should be as on osrs you basically insta fish, with the delayed fishing you're losing time on prep by a ton.

    Killing a demi boss multiple times results in the same perfected weapon piece being dropped rather than a unique one. Where on 07 say you kill a bear, you can leave the spike on the floor kill another bear and then it will drop a bow string or orb.

  2. I want to start this off by saying thank you for getting the group highscores going, but prior to them going live today you could look up individual group players and see where they stood as an individual I think a lot of people enjoy seeing where they stand on their own. The way group hs is set up atm is total level based not xp based which is what the competition is I'd like to see it show individual placements, and track like top 25 groups for combined total xp rather than combined total level on a separate forum thread to let people know where they stand in the competition because a good amount of groups are playing for fun not the competition and I think they'd like to see where they stand as a player rather than a group. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully you'll consider it if it gets enough support because I know the highscores took a lot of work.

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