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Worst UIM

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  1. Worst UIM

    Bank space

    Damn, bunch of ppl who never has played RSPS. My guess is that you get more bank space by having higher donator rank and if this is a case, Ima give this post -1 support 😕
  2. Not much to showoff in here, got like 7-8 osrs accounts banned 🙂 Oh yeah, ignore that hcim status, it's runelite fake plugin 😜
  3. Worst UIM

    Worst UIM

    Discord username: Kissahack #6001 Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: Haven't been in any tester group, but I have reported quite alot bugs in many rsps where I have played in past 13 years. Example current Ikov, old Ikov, Elkoy and long time ago Arrav. How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: I starter Rs 2003 and been playing rs/osrs/rsps with on/off relationship past 17 years and first time tried rsps 13 years ago. Runescape username & total level: Many of my accounts are banned for my own stupidy, but currently I have "Hell is loc" account on osrs which is fresh and got only total level of 710 as a f2p only. I can't really prove myself and you don't need to believe me, but gotten in past 5 account with all quest cape on osrs, but they all banned now. How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: Since I have played so long Rs I got quite alot knowledge how things should be and because of that I know if something is wrong. How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: I can't really say approx hours what's spend for testing, but I do play easily +40-50hrs a week and meanwhile that, I may encounter bugs which I will report.
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