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Posts posted by Crystalmeth

  1. I play Muiltple different game modes. On my realism i have all the unlocks. I got them all at 91-92, currently 95 mining. Im assuming on normal you probably get evetything unlocked when you are like 50m xp probably more


  2. Hello Crystalmeth here again, Let me clear up some things here. for everyone who wants to pk on this server. You have to understand that this will be a economy server not just pk base server. Plus you will be having 2-6k players, playing on this server. So that being said, we shouldnt have the issue of high demand low supplies. 

    If you want all the potions and food in shops, might as well play a pk server instead of playing this, if you looking to just to pk. 

    On the other note, All those precious high end potions and food wont be in shop. Sorry to break it to you. Only lobesters swordfish tuna, maybe shark. The basic prayer potions will be in the shop. So those people who dont want to do skilling or just pking. Thats fine, but uh youll end up going to the pos/ge to buy anglerfish super combats/ range and magic potions etc dark carb or karamkwans. Yo yeah, sorry to break it to you. 

  3. Everyone needs to understand, Zaros is going to be a ECO server, having food and potions in shops would just make the server more looking like a pvp only server rather than a Economy server which it is trying to become. 

    if you are truly a pker, you can still pk early on... only if you know how to pk that is...

    Otherwise, having people skill for the resources such as the herbs or pvmers getting them from bosses would benefit the server HUGE. 

    We are clearly trying to not make this like any other rsps. Yes ? 

    So In my opinion, having other people harvest and sell herbs and shark to players would help so much and yes the economy would slowly balance out after a month. 

    we aren't trying to have players play and leave after a month. An to the people who say "why don't you just go to 07" maybe you should think a little. the xp rates are extremely fast this plus methods such as t2 fishing would help players get fish 2-3x as faster. 

    maybe we should do a general vote for yes or no to see the majority of players think.    

    keep water vials and seconders in shop though. 

  4. I for one agree with removing pots and food from stores so you have more people making money from skilling. If you guys truly want this server to stay around forever and have a healthy eco server. I would recommend in taking food and potions out of the store. 


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