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Posts posted by Thanos

  1. 15 minutes ago, Level III said:

    last reply on this but " the rest of us" so far the votes for it is 8 people supporting 3 people not supporting the removal.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but not everyone uses forums. The game would be in a meltdown if this change happened right now.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Level III said:

    They drop anything they have no use for that has value, cash and items included.

    I mean, if you enjoy doing birdhouse runs for 6, 3 dose, brews per hour, go ahead. Stop ruining it for the rest of us.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Zaros said:

    I do agree ironman mode has been made too easy. I've been able to trade countless shops. I've bought rune armour, d'hides, vital crafting pieces.. there are not enough restrictions. only in edgeville do they have them.

    u realise u can buy rune on 07 lmao as an iron

  4. 36 minutes ago, Dripping said:

    Maybe try out some spawn server then. Imo rsps should let newbies practice basics and some grinding what they couldn't do in official yet. There are enough guides for you how to play as ironman, btw. 


    no because it doenst make sense to remove it. noone wants to farm crushed nests to do something like tob, if u want to, you go to 07. an rsps is for an easier feel, having everything removed is just boring and like playing 07 again. i know because i have an iron on 07. if u want to play liek that, play. noones forcing u to buy crushed nests

  5. 5 minutes ago, Ollie V1 said:

    Kinda rate that opinion, It has a lot of teams in full alien and hitting ridiculous amounts with new prayers. I feel Zaros will be a more level playing field in that sense. 

    Yeah, Zaros pking will be much better. I think clans which actually know how to pk will come to Zaros. Hopefully they teach these kids their place.

  6. 3 hours ago, king said:

    You missed pking, if we get more people into it, more people would be in the wild 

    Realistically speaking, noone will create a guide for pking - maybe for wilderness stuff but that falls in the PVM category. Learning to PK comes with experience. There are many videos out there which show different styles of pking and I believe that is enough.


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