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Level III

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Everything posted by Level III

  1. I am currently nearing 30m Firemaking xp starting wt at level 50, i am 8x xp aswell and i have yet to see a pyro piece, dragon axe or really any uniques besides about 190 burnt pages.
  2. As a skiller i usually dont chime in on wilderness suggestions as rarely do they effect me however i would love to see most if not all of these +1
  3. Level III

    pet peeve

    People going to w3 wt and lighting all the fires for no reason if they wanted fast games they could do w1.
  4. I started Runescape in early 2005, when i was 8 years old pretty much just explored as i didnt know how to play the game, eventually in roughly 2007 i got into skilling as i found it relaxing and I found bossing/pvm to be tedious and stressful so from that point on all i did is really skill, around then is the peak of the level 3 skiller scene and thats when i abandoned my main and became a skiller full time (even to this day). I quit Runescape with the evolution of combat even tho it didn't effect skillers much,it changed the game that I have dedicated thousands of hours to and thats when i came to the RSPS scene. Now im just that random skiller (usually ironman) on the private servers. Here we are 15 years later and i still hate combat and love cutting logs for 10 hours straight... yes im insane.
  5. -1 seems random af to me sorry 😞
  6. Amazing update guys good job 🙂
  7. I would love well of goodwill however the whole gilded aspect of this seems weird and out of place to me.
  8. I have not played battlescape but im always down to BS just hmu ingame 🙂
  9. I'm an ironman so this doesn't matter to me but i could see how it could be frustrating for gamblers so i support this.
  10. I don't see why not zero harm in it.
  11. I already lied, dark purple helm now LOL https://gyazo.com/c61a94a97cf7c0cdf6a01461a02fb0be
  12. Very nicely made guide 🙂
  13. Well i am permanently level 3 and III is roman numeral for 3.
  14. Best of luck on your HC EIM! and welcome brotha.
  15. scan the code with ur phone using google authenticator.
  16. Very well detailed and organized guide!
  17. In-game Name(s) (IGN) Level III Discord Tag (Name#0000) Fuk#7079 What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) N/A Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) N/A When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) N/A Would you be able/willing to attend weekly meetings on Discord? (For LT applications only. For Recruit-Sergeant, put N/A) N/A What are your strengths? Ingame? Skilling/ironman. Irl? Optimism and positivity. What are your weaknesses? Ingame? Combat. Irl? Sleeping schedule LUL In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for: I feel like I deserve the rank of recruit because as I stated in my strengths above, i am optimistic and positive pretty much always so it can be nice and welcoming for new players and can keep the existing members in a positive mood seeing other positivity.
  18. Looks like im going to the Netherlands, Welcome 🙂
  19. last reply on this but " the rest of us" so far the votes for it is 8 people supporting 3 people not supporting the removal.
  20. They drop anything they have no use for that has value, cash and items included.
  21. How most "High tier" ironman get high donator ranks.
  22. Drop trading for scrolls dw i can come up with more things all day long.
  23. Unlikely suggestion as for obvious reasons they'd prefer people to donate more to get rank on their other accounts. however i wouldn't mind this one bit.
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