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Posts posted by Viking

  1. Discord username: Gnirevol#2941

    Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing:

    I know a fair bit of the mechanics that go into bug testing, but I would like to expand more into that field. Years ago on a server called Halcyon-PK, there was a bug that enabled non-donors to follow each other while lighting fires to somehow break pathfinding and glitch through the walls of a donor only zone. As It may not be relevant because it was so long ago, I was among a small group that did figure that out. Most of my bug-testing experience came from back in the day servers around 2010-2015, but as I said I would love to be apart of a modern team with new issues to be found.

    How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: 

    I would say I'm in an advanced level of knowledge, when it comes to bossing/slayer. PVP is not my forte but I will learn one day. I've been playing Runescape since 2004, and ever since I've been an avid PVM fan. 

    Runescape username & total level:
    Wholf - Total Level: 1623

    How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: 

    Being as meticulous as I am, I do enjoy servers that resemble the game mechanics closely if not exact. I have a wide knowledge of PVM mechanics and what those would entail. Always a fan of new bosses when they come out to try them out. I'm dead set on the grind if necessary to get the item I'm going for, even if it takes 10,000+ kills. It doesn't have to be specifically PVM related, but whatever is needed I'm here to help out in any way that I can. More specifically find a home for a server long term. Testing, finding issues, and laying the foundation to get them fixed also helps me long term to enjoy Zaros.

    How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing:

    40-50 Hours

  2. Discord username: 


    Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing:

    Yes, but I am not the worlds best. I used to beta test and work strictly as a “bug testing” mod on a super old server called “Halcyon PK”. That ended when the owner/dev wanted to branch out into Gary’s mod servers, thus discontinuing the server. That was probably 5 years or so ago. I’ve also indulged myself with testing other new servers.

    How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: 

    More of an advanced level. I’ve played RuneScape ever since I was in 3rd grade. I did not start getting serious and understanding it until 9th grade. Currently 24 years young. About a decade of playing RuneScape. I stopped playing Oldschool about a year and a half ago. However, I’ve been playing RSPS servers so I am a bit up to date. 

    Runescape username & total level:

    Wholf - Total level: 1623

    How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: 

    When it comes to bug testing, or overall beta testing it requires attentive detail to the game. This includes spending the time and effort to intentionally trigger bugs, and of course stumble upon them. To me it’s not necessarily about the gameplay, but the effort to make the game absolutely perfect. That is what makes a server stand out. That’s it what bug testing/beta testing is for. There have been countless servers that copy base codes and simply make some new graphics. These repetitive & thoughtless servers are what make me hungry for a server that cares. I feel like I’d be useful because I understand what makes a server amazing, and what makes a server not worth playing. I also understand that the more effort put into the foundation will be ever more frugal. Not necessarily with donations and income, but the overall connections and family you’ll make playing a server worthwhile; of course, the worlds best Zaros team.

    How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing:

    20-25 hours a week. (4-6 hours a day). I have a full time job typically 8am-5pm. However, my industry works until the job is done, so it could run all night.

  3. Before I ruin a beta application, the description says “supplied”. Nothing popped up, nor have I found a supplied template to make sure I correctly apply. Currently on my IPhone, not sure if that affects a template. 

    Out of curiosity, am I missing something?

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