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Posts posted by Sync

  1. Discord username: Sync#2487
    Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: Yes i previously tested for Zaros
    How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: I know pretty much everything except for really high end bossing such as tob/cox
    Runescape username & total level: NH Staker - 1700?
    How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros:  I'm active bug tester and i've reported every bug i came across. I helped a lot with the pking stuff and helped found bugs that could've been easily abused.
    How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: I can be actively bug testing upto release

  2. 1 hour ago, therealwiz said:

    That guy in the screenshot - you do realise, he is the guy that tried ratting on us and then joined you guys? lmao "Guardian" is a scummy polish dude that doesn't know what he's doing, never have we payed anyone for protection or for an alliance when we'd never even need it. 
    Just chatting bare shit it seems all the time mate

    Also, i was in a voice chat with you and told you myself we're not interested in us merging because of how toxic you guys are

    my guy i have never joined voice with you LOL what is this man saying right now LOOOOOOOOOL. no one asked u to merge. we violated ur team 

  3. 10 minutes ago, therealwiz said:

    I was talking shit to you?
    If you remember correctly, it was your clan that talked shit, got clapped at 50s then tried to claim wins when you lost wars lmao.  

    Afterwards, there was a point where you even tried getting us to join you guys cause you were scared of the clans coming to Zaros 

    At no point did we say to you guys the ridiculous things you've come out with. We're all pretty respectful and don't claim to be the best. We're all playing servers for fun and don't take things too seriously like yourself. 

    you literally tried paying us 20b vitality for you to come with us to zaros LOOOOOOOOL its legit in the reply i sent my guy why u lying now LOOOL
    look at you lying saying you beat us. show me proof of you winning a war LOL

  4. https://gyazo.com/afa265184d07911c5bc46d307d66a247 Your team crying to me about your team being dogsht

    https://gyazo.com/cec6369609ce9268665a77547f0fc467 (Just to close the same day you reopened)

    https://gyazo.com/73dc28e18e60b202b9c5e1bce5cec029 (Elite Unit being your first clan we closed)

    https://gyazo.com/69a754135f1b186db2473e9874f0f973 You don't know who to trust no more

    https://gyazo.com/806e3d9781b89a434f8e4ab3c671c797 How the fuk do u lose 4b in a single war LOL

    https://gyazo.com/54921fd9ca7699a93b479daa8d62dec9 Your own members saying how bad you guys are

    7ae154012ff97bcf8122d6eec90e1d12-png.jpg Facts 

    5d029d4905df3476a35b24746dfd8f4c-png.jpg (we're not open)

    be3062051d5d70e9f199399824b06938-png.jpg Here's you panic merging with about 6 teams just to fight blacknans

    Your Team paying 20B for us to stop fighting you guys

    Your team merging again with about 10 teams this time to get wiped by 67 people (vs 90)

    Just another war where you merged with the Anti-Blacknans to get violated
    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541398699415175172/759908461814611968/video1.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541398699415175172/759908461202112533/video0.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541398699415175172/759908463106457630/image3.png

    Another war.... Same thing

    Anddddd... another war

    • Discord username:  Sync#2487

    • Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing:  Yes, i've bug tested for Eden, Soulplay, Runewild and a little for RunePVP.

    • How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape:  I've been a pker for nearly 2 years (yes it's not the most but in 1 year i was able to compare myself to the best and most famous pkers on OSRS because i'm a very fast learner). I know nearly everything related to PKing. I've also been PvMing on OSRS/RSPS recently because for a couple of months i've got nothing to do (pking gets boring sometimes), i've been killing Zulrah/Vorkath and i did about 40-50 K.C on each TOB and COX on RSPS'. I've also maxed my account on a few RSPS and even in DMM (Max Total lol). <-Was for a competition, and i won :D .

    • Runescape username & total level:  IGN: NH Staker     TOTAL LEVEL: 1550

    • How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros:   As i said earlier, i'm quite experienced in PKing and i can for sure use this experience to find out bugs/mistakes for the PK scene on Zaros, such as helping Devs fix/buff/nerf a weapon/armour, help the Devs decide what could be/should not be in the Armour Store, i can give ideas for what's good and what's bad for the wildy, i can give event ideas etc etc.

    • How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing:   I'm usually home most of the time because of Corona Virus, and i've been free for about 2 months. I'm usually online for about 6+ hours a day, which could easily be increased (i just don't find it boring to be playing video games for a very long time).
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