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Everything posted by Stalin

  1. Support. The fact that they want you to pay to have a usable amount of bank space is one of the most concerning things about this server and what will be the priority with future decisions.
  2. The problem is not that UIMs don't have access to butlers. The problem is that there is an achievement tied to talking to your butler. This means that achievement is literally impossible for UIMs to complete. The achievement should just be automatically completed for UIMs.
  3. This seems like it was just a small oversight. I'm sure it'll get fixed in no time. Support
  4. Personally, I think this would be a neat little addition. Not the most important thing for the server but cool nonetheless.
  5. Stalin

    Wave's designs

    Dang dude, you have a really nice art style. This is really good work.
  6. It'd be nice to see some more variety in the forums in terms of ranks & awards and this would be the best way to start implementing that variety.
  7. This makes a lot of sense to me. I don't see why there would be a favorites tab without quick access to it.
  8. The bank space is more than a little concerning. Especially for ironmen.
  9. Stalin

    Donator benefits?

    This thread should tell you what you want to know.
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