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Posts posted by Ores

  1. 22 hours ago, Nicole said:

    Definitely support 🙂 I believe they might be considering this in the future 

    I really hope so, it will give so much more incentive for ironmen/women to donate, plus just thing of the cool cosmetics, because being a skiller myself, my dreams a partyhat on an ironman, and cool fashionscape, so id be spending i know that!

  2. After seeing many people ingame [ ironmen ] wanting phats; ive thought cosmetic mystery boxes that us ironman can use to obtain certain cosmetics, weather that be a giant spade , rubber duck, fancy boots and phats, give incentive for ironmen to actually gain out of donating and more incentive to donate overall!

  3. Welcome to skiller's hut.

    We are the home of all skillers, as you know the skilling community is very nieche, so we have decided to come together and make a clanchat, a home, a hub for the skilling community, everyone else is welcome may i add!

    so what do we have to offer? we offer prime knowledge on skills, we offer out techniques or unique ways of grinding, as 10hp accounts, our hardcores endure pain all the time trying to do simple things on the server like, doing agility pyramid, or thieving wallsafes or even running through the desert, our knowledge and experience brings geat satisfaction to be able to help new players and even experienced players new knowledge that u may of not known about.

    we have multiple unique accounts, well known players across for private server platforms, we're known for doing ridiculous skilling grinds, being friendly, accomplishing tedious and dangerous tasks for 10hp hardcores/ elites.

    We want to build a platform where we can grow the skilling community, where we can have a safehaven for new players and hard working players to be able to come over, chill, have a laugh, little personal competitions in the cc, we would love to have you all over to grow and be the best we can on the server.

    xp is our drug and always will be! we promise to deliver weekly clan events to get group activitys flowing!

    A discord will soon be up and will be notified in the cc of invitiation details, or add clue#9927 on discord for more info.

    we have a ranking system in place in the cc for incentive to work up the ranks!

    Recruit -  500 overall [ no combat]

    corporal - 850 overall  [ no combat]

    Sergeant - 1250 overall [no combat]

    Leuitenant - max with or without combat.

    Owners - Ores/Clue - Childish - poison

    [moderator positions available]

    We cant wait to meet you all, happy grinding.


  4. 6 minutes ago, Zaros said:

    Damn I'll have to keep an eye out for you man. Best of luck and I hope to see them 200m callouts!!

    Be sure to see you around!!!


    4 minutes ago, Twenty-Two said:

    I wished that I enjoyed the Mining skill as much as you do, it is one of my least favourite skills. Welcome to Zaros, @Ores

    One of the more afk'able skills, plus get to see a nice turn around of people and see other people achievements, its all good one you get in the flow of things

  5. Firstly id like to say hello to all on the server.

    I'm Ores' , most of you may know me know me as 'clue' from other servers.

    I'm one for skilling! i like to do stupid goals during the skilling community , yes , i am a skiller / 10hp account , known for my 200m mining's on multiple servers and will be completing this goal on this server also [on a hardcore and an elite hardcore].

    If there are any other skillers out there or unique 10hp accounts, please please dont be afraid to add me and i can invite you into the small skillers community we uphold, look forward to meeting with you all!



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