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FP'ing / Gambling - same odds

Porn Hub

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Recently i was doing some FP'ing vs MW. He said to me that the only odds he FP's on are 2x tie = host wins despite him having rediculous odds on me, i agreed to the FP, ultimately i lost a few bill FPing him nearly every time i lost to him was due to a 2x tie host win and he cleaned me, its fine, i agreed to thoes rules on the basis that he gives the same rules to everybody. However, this isnt the case, as seen in youtube videos of him gambling other people and seen in game gambling his friends he does not use the same rules, he uses the normal rules of BWRP until someone wins 50/50 odds. My problem here is that like the Duel arena (unless scammed) FPing should and always has been 50/50 odds the only time you have less odds is when you chose to play 55x2, 1-45 x2 or sometimes the host will allow something like 90x3 depending on who it is. No where else have i seen a host giving different people different odds depending if he likes you or not its actually rediculous. My proposal is that FPing should always be same odds to every person, either you chose to keep your 2x tie = host win and lose out on customers or you give everybody the same 50/50 odds and dont allow 2x tie rules with a pick and chose of who you do and dont like, its literally the definition of scamming. You dont go to a casino and play Blackjack and the guy next to you is playing normal rules but if you want to gamble you're being forced to play at marginally lower odds. WHY tf is this actually allowed??


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As @Sumptuous mentioned, gambling usually favours the host. If there's something that you don't like, say 2x tie = bust there's always the option to not gamble them. Even if he didn't do it every time (according to the videos) I don't really see a problem, afaik he's free to set whatever rules he wants as long as both parties agree (?)


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Okay like I previously said, my issue isn’t that he’s doing thoes rules me issue is that the rules aren’t the same for everybody, why should certain people be allowed better odds for the same game. And your argument is that “isn’t that what the duel arena is for” in reply to 50/50 odds.. the same reason gambling sites don’t just offer 1 game with 50/50 odds and the rest 80/20 odds. I agree host should have additional I’m not disputing that, I’m disputing the same odds for each better. Why should I have less odds than others because I don’t kiss his ass?. My issue is how can he tell me / others ( I only do 2x tie = bust ) and then 5 minutes later he’s gambling others 50/50 odds he’s literally giving people he likes a fair chance while significantly lowering the odds for others. It’s literally the definition of a scam....

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34 minutes ago, Porn Hub said:

Okay like I previously said, my issue isn’t that he’s doing thoes rules me issue is that the rules aren’t the same for everybody, why should certain people be allowed better odds for the same game. And your argument is that “isn’t that what the duel arena is for” in reply to 50/50 odds.. the same reason gambling sites don’t just offer 1 game with 50/50 odds and the rest 80/20 odds. I agree host should have additional I’m not disputing that, I’m disputing the same odds for each better. Why should I have less odds than others because I don’t kiss his ass?. My issue is how can he tell me / others ( I only do 2x tie = bust ) and then 5 minutes later he’s gambling others 50/50 odds he’s literally giving people he likes a fair chance while significantly lowering the odds for others. It’s literally the definition of a scam....

I understand what you're trying to get at, and I'd agree in the sense that its not fair for him to give better odds to some and not others.

At the end of the day, you're choosing to accept the rules, regardless of what he's done with previous people. If you don't like his fairness, its as simple as finding another host or simply not gambling at all. 

It wouldn't be fair to tell a host "hey, you need to give everyone fair odds" or make gambling rules in order to do such things. Aslong as he isn't scamming you or going against the agreed terms of the duel/gamble/fp/host odds games, then there is no problem. Next time don't gamble against people who do those odds.

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4 hours ago, Porn Hub said:

Say whatever you gotta say to get those 50/50 odds lads ?? Legitimately why gamble at zaros = dead. Gamble on every other server = thriving 

If gambling is the only aspect you can point out on a server, its probably not a good server to begin with, just saying.

You as a player have the choice to pick whether or not you want to take a risk on those odds. You took the risk thinking you could beat them, and got burnt.

There are other hosts willing to not do 2x tie host win. Cant be impatient with it.

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2 hours ago, J O S H U A said:

If gambling is the only aspect you can point out on a server, its probably not a good server to begin with, just saying.

You as a player have the choice to pick whether or not you want to take a risk on those odds. You took the risk thinking you could beat them, and got burnt.

There are other hosts willing to not do 2x tie host win. Cant be impatient with it.

player count literally speaks for its self, theres a reason why 90% of the player base have already left, i can point out many many reasons about the server if youd like me to go over some? theres also a reason why most servers can retain a 300+ player base at all times not just peak times. we can get into that if youd like ? Just saying.


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