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Clue Sack


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Could we possibly have it so that when we're skilling and we get clue bottles/clue nests etc that they actually auto go into sack or bank. i don't mind sacrificing the birds nest for this. It's just like the majority of the time i use clue sack is when i'm skilling and it doesn't really benefit me if i'm constantly having to open nests/bottles to then click fill afterwards. 

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On 4/26/2022 at 5:51 AM, 5791 said:

Could we possibly have it so that when we're skilling and we get clue bottles/clue nests etc that they actually auto go into sack or bank. i don't mind sacrificing the birds nest for this. It's just like the majority of the time i use clue sack is when i'm skilling and it doesn't really benefit me if i'm constantly having to open nests/bottles to then click fill afterwards. 

Not at the moment, sorry! Having bottles, nests, ect help us combat afking and botting.

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