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Triple Charged for $10 Dono


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When I was trying to pay for a 10 dollar scroll using google pay the confirmation window kept popping up as all white and blank  for a second and disappearing, so I kept trying to again. Didn't work so I entered my card info, and that worked. When I checked my transactions  it said I'd been charged $10 usd three times, so I guess the google pay attempts did go through. I would like to refund two of these payments and keep 1 in place because I would likely only 1 $10 scroll. I have not redeemed any of these ingame yet as I have yet to set up 2FA. Please help.

Edited by xxturm0il
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This is more of a section for players to seek assistance and receive assistance from the rest of the community. I would suggest contacting David or Spooky directly - or - contacting the live support, which you can do so by going to the store page and clicking the pop-up at the bottom right corner of your screen. Good luck, friend!


Best Regards,

1ixfs2F.png Wikia#3622

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