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The Pack - Skilling / PVM / Hanging out


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We are clan for all active players does not matter what mode you play. 
Stay active and dont be rude thats all you need.

Our discord : https://discord.gg/v6hBNz9nRa

In-Game Name: (answer Here)

Discord ID: (Answer Here)

Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: (Answer Here)

How active are you?: (Answer Here)
3-5 hours a week
5-10 hours a week
10-20 hours a week
+20 hours a week

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: (Answer Here)

Do you have substantial bossing equipment? (Answer Here)

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: (Answer Here)
Edited by Soulwar
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IGN: Blight

Discord ID: OddJob#6669

Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: Looking for a chill cc to chat pvm/skilling and do some raids.

How active are you? 20 hours a week easy.

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling? I am very experienced in pvming/skilling.  Been playing rsps' since like 2010.  Recently, put almost 30 days into Ikov (IGN: Odd).

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: 1 day and 16hr.

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In-Game Name: Scripture

Discord ID: Chum#1354

Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: Looking for people to chat with

How active are you?: +20 hours
3-5 hours a week
5-10 hours a week
10-20 hours a week
+20 hours a week

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: Old

Do you have substantial bossing equipment? no i only skill

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: Sense day 1 but new acct
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  • 2 weeks later...
In-Game Name: ABCD

Discord ID: Squirty#1305 

Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: Been in the cc since day 1 so might as well apply for a rank

How active are you?: 5-10 hours a week

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: new to raids\old to gwd\slayer bosses\ect

Do you have substantial bossing equipment? i've got the basics.

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: since day 3 on this account, day 1 on my iron that i stopped playing.
Edited by ABCD
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On 12/4/2020 at 6:30 PM, Soulwar said:

In-Game Name: Lil Bro

Discord ID: Skeagy#1997

Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: Lot of realists trying to max

How active are you?:
+20 hours a week

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: (Answer Here) Old

Do you have substantial bossing equipment? Yes

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: Day one


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On 12/4/2020 at 6:30 PM, Soulwar said:

We are clan for all active players does not matter what mode you play. 
Stay active and dont be rude thats all you need.

Our discord : https://discord.gg/vRtregWYs4

In-Game Name: (coronita)

Discord ID: (bank#5096)

Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: (pvm)

How active are you?: (5-10)
3-5 hours a week
5-10 hours a week
10-20 hours a week
+20 hours a week

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: (in between)

Do you have substantial bossing equipment? (yes)

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: (since launch)


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In-Game Name: (Zoning / Fradox)

Discord ID: (Fradox#2624)

Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: (dont wanna play by my self)

How active are you?: (very active, mostly 20 hours a week i feel like)
3-5 hours a week
5-10 hours a week
10-20 hours a week
+20 hours a week

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: (pretty experienced in both, nearly had a maxed on real osrs. i love pvming)

Do you have substantial bossing equipment? (i have most of the gear yeah)

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: (i think i have like 10 days of ingame time since i logged in for the first time, started playing 1 week after release)
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  • 2 weeks later...
In-Game Name: 3m Flatty

Discord ID: hayden.95#2097

Why do you want to be a part of The Pack?: It's hard to find a good cc, but from what ive been a part of everyone seems un-real and easy to talk to.
Also having a group that are keen to pvm or skill together makes the grind more motivating.
How active are you?: its varies with work and irl commitments but id say 10-20hrs a week.

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: I've been playing osrs and servers for id say 10 years.

Do you have substantial bossing equipment? not yet!

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: 24 hrs play time in 4 days. ( 1/3 splashing ofc )
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  • 2 weeks later...

n-Game Name: Raphael Discord ID: Raphael ingame Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: seems like a cool comunity How active are you?: +20 hours a week Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: new ish Do you have substantial bossing equipment? yes How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: 5 days

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On 12/4/2020 at 11:30 PM, Soulwar said:

We are clan for all active players does not matter what mode you play. 
Stay active and dont be rude thats all you need.

Our discord : https://discord.gg/vRtregWYs4

In-Game Name: Raphael

Discord ID: Raphael Ingame

Why do you want to be apart of The Pack?: cool community

How active are you?: 
+20 hours a week

Are you new or old to pvming/skilling?: New ish

Do you have substantial bossing equipment? Yes

How long have you been on Zaros RSPS?: 5 days


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