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Make Trading Post Great Again!


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As an avid user of the trading post, I've come to find some drawbacks (Especially compared to Ikov's POS)

  1. There is no 'Recent' button to return to the list of what is currently being added to the trading post, the only way to get back to this list is by exiting and clicking again on the trading post            - A 'Recent' button should be added next to the home button
  2. The number of items an account can list is tiny, non-donor accounts can only list 5, extreme donors 14. The work around to this is using multiple accounts to list items which is very tedious. Doing 50kc at zulrah will give you 20 different items to sell. I suggest increasing this amount to in the range of 10-20 for non-donor and an increase of the same amount per donor rank.
  3. If you buy an item while searching for it, your sorting option resets to age (E.g if you were sorting to buy the cheapest dragon bones, when you purchase the first offer it lists them by Age again). This should not happen.
  4. If you buy an offer, it should disappear.
  5. You are currently required to type a players full name to see their listings, it would be nice if it displayed all players listings who match your search
  6. Add a search option for your own offers, or let us cancel our listing while we are searching the trading post

In future I reckon a tax should be added, but thats rather long term. There is already a lack of gold coming into game compared to drops.

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