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Happy Holidays!


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Hey everyone, just wanted to post this here in case everyone's too busy tomorrow/Christmas day. Happy holidays to you all, I wish the best for everyone from my family to yours. Stay safe, let me know what you get for Christmas! 

This year has been awful, this is the least 'Christmas spirit' I've ever seen anyone be, and it's really unfortunate. So hopefully we can all keep the spirit alive and keep everyone in high hopes of a better future in the coming years. It's hard to be positive with all the things that have been going on but I like to try my best to remain positive and keep my head up, so hopefully everyone else can too.

Make sure to keep your friends and family close, because you never know what is going to happen especially now days. 

Merry Christmas to all!


Edited by Kharyrll
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Merry Christmas to you as well, and to everyone else who celebrates it. 

This year of 2020 was definitely a battle, and there will most definitely be more to come. But, as always, we will get through it, just as generations past have done before us. COVID may have made this year a living hell; it's time for us to make a living hell for COVID.


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