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Solo Raids Services 2 [Chambers of Xeric]

Snow Cone

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Inspired by @Jack Sparrow, I will also be doing solo raid services! I currently have completed more than 100 solos and earned 7 uniques in my name - They are definitely worth doing if you're lucky!


Since Jack is the overall better pvmer, I highly reccomend you check his thread out: 



Minimum Requirements:

85+ combat stats

70+ Prayer

78+ Herblore






Black dragonhide



Option 1:

10m with minimum requirements. Prices will go lower if you have better gear, in the range of 3-8m.

If you get a unique, I will take 30% of what it sells for.


Option 2:

20m per kc(assuming min req), or 10-15m for better gear. 

I will take no splits if you get a unique!


Option 3: Mentor Raids/Advanced Raids - 5m per Raid/Or Carry

If soloing isn't your thing, I also offer mentor service! This is NOT for groups, we will be duoing only

You are expected to die a lot in this raid


You will be able to:

Understand the art of "scouting" raids

Understand what gear you should bring to each/every boss room

Learn the boss rooms

Learn the basics of Olm's mechanics

If you are interesting in duos/soloing, I will also offer you tips and my advice on how to defeat Olm





You are responsible for funding potions/darts/other supplies for Chambers.

If I die at any time during the raid, I will go again with no extra cost.(And personally fund your supplies if I'm that ass)

For option 1: If you receive a unique and want to keep it, you are expected to have enough GP to cover the split. Otherwise, all purples you receive will be held by me and left on the TP. You decide the price you want to sell it for.

For option 3: If you would like to learn how to solo(Olm) or you're struggling on certain boss rooms, this option is for you!

If you do not meet minimum requirements, I highly reccomend that you visit Jack's service thread.

If you are on an alt account/and catch me online, you are more than welcome to ask me to stream your raids!

If you are interested, contact me ingame: "Snow Cone", or via pm on discord/or forums. Vouches are appreciated!


Are these services really worth it?


It's a gamble - You can either be really dry like Jack sparrow, or lucky as shit and get spoonfed purples.

In my opinion, these services are 100% viable because deathless raids are anywhere between 33-35k on average. Your chances is 1/16 or 1/17, which is literally your odds of gaining a barrows piece on osrs! 


Why should I choose Snow Cone to do my services?

Although there are other greater pvmers than I am at solo raids, I am good enough as all my raids so far are deathless(prep and sometimes no-prep), and I have the weeb rng and the spirit of rem in my veins. I am also luckier than Jack Sparrow and have better rng when it comes down to purples omfgofmgofmgomfg

All i do on zaros is mostly solo cox so I'd be happy to help you out with anything!









Edited by Snow Cone

Rem's Smile - Imgur

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  • extreme donator logoSnow Cone changed the title to Solo Raids Services 2 [Chambers of Xeric]
  • 1 year later...

Damn they weren't kidding - you actually got good at pvm - hopefully u have emails attached to this

still on so you know im replying l0l 

On 2/3/2021 at 11:59 PM, Snow Cone said:



prices have been made lower!


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