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Lost my avernic defender


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I was told that I could take my avernic off my dragon defender and tried to sell to some other player. I wasn't aware that if I took the avernic defender off my dragon defender that it would vanish, I was wondering if I could get a refund for the item that was lost due to a misunderstanding of how the item worked. If not, that's 450m I've lost due to a silly mistake - I have presets with my avernic defender and logs will show I haven't traded the item with anyone or staked the item and that I lost it due to what I've already stated. 

If the staff team could help me out with this one, that'd be greatly appreciated as I've spent a substantial amount on the game and would hate to lose such a huge amount of money on something so silly.

King regards,

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Hello @Three! I'm going to have the warning message checked over! If it turns out there is no warning message when removing the hilt then i will see what i can do for you! Whenever you're unaware if an item will be destroyed or not in the process of separating two pieces of gear, we would always advise to check the Wiki Page for that specific item to check. In either case you would be losing the hilt so you was advised wrong prior to attempting to remove it. However we will see what we can do for you.







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I was told by another member that it would be fine and quickly clicked "yes" to disassemble the defender. whether or not there was a warning - I think a silly mistake like this should still be refunded because I feel like this shouldn't be a thing in the first place. It's a 450m item and is easily lost if someone doesn't know about it

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