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Dice Roll Gambling Clan Chat

Dice Roll

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Dice Roll CC

Rank Prices // How to Purchase // Max Bets 

Recruit 200m // Max bet 200M // Max pot 400M

Corporal 300M // Max bet 300M // Max pot 600M

Sergeant 800M // Max bet 600M // Max pot 1200M

Lieutenant 900M // Max bet 900M // Max pot 1800M

Captain 1500M // Max bet 1500M // Max pot 3000M

To purchase a rank in cc, pm "Dice Roll" in game. NO ONE ELSE CAN SELL YOU A RANK.


Host (Rank) Rules

1 - announce your bet in cc &  have proof the gambler is in cc.

2 - Gambling Amongst the Ranks is prohibited unless Fp.

3 - You are not allowed to host more than your maximum bet.

4 - You are only allowed to host 55x2, 1-45x2, Dice Duel, Flower Poker, 80x3, Hot & Cold

5 - Behave yourself, Patience with customers is key.

6 - You are allowed to take tips from middle-manning if offered, NEVER DEMAND.

7 - You must mention "Dice Roll" Cc in your auto talker.

8 - You are not allowed to host for two clan chats.


Rules Of Games

 Blackjack 1-100: Host will roll you the dice, you have to get as closest to 100 to have a higher chance of winning, you can choose by saying Hit or Stay, when u stay, the host will roll for his number, if its a tie the host wins the bet, if its over your number, host wins the bet, if its over 100, you win the bet.

Rules on 55x2: Over 55 is your win, a 55 roll is Reroll or Refund, below 55 is you lose.

Rules on 1-45: Above 45 is host win, 45 roll is rerroll or refund, and below is your win.

Rules on 80x3: Under 80 is host win, 80 is reroll or refund, And above is your win.

Flower Poker: Rank has option to do 2x Tie Host win or not. ( up to host )

Hot & Cold: Gambler will choose hot or cold. Host will Plant. Rainbow is Host win. W/B RP.





All scams/scammers will be dealt with by the owner, please pm him in game @Dice Roll Or @applejuice13. Please remember to record any and all gambles. Proof is Needed!


Edited by Dice Roll
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