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      I'm extremely excited to announce the grand opening to our community - &S - focused on enjoying all aspects of the game , We will be accepting 50 active members currently . We will be running events from PVM team bossing events, and PVM masses , to Speed/learner raids ,  PVP tournaments within and outside our community. As well as 4 Clan giveaways a week to our members after the release week. We are looking for positive and chill open minded people with primary language as English. 

                      Some things to consider before applying : 

 Do you need more active friends on ZAROS ?

- Do you like the idea of PVM & PVP with others ?

- Are you active at least a few hours a week ?

- Would you enjoy learning/playing different aspects of the game with fellow members or enjoy teaching others ?

                       If you answered yes to these congrats you would fit perfect in our community we'd love to have you !

Answer these few questions below & add OG#5000 on discord for a invite to our fully built discord !
- Time zone / country :
- IGN's :
- Goals :
- RS knowledge ( Low , Moderate , High 










Edited by WOO
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2 hours ago, Leaned said:

Loving the attitude fella

Best of luck with your clan ?


1 hour ago, She said:

Lovin it! 

Goodluck with your clan ;D



1 hour ago, November said:

Why you blowing a kiss @ me

Good luck with the clan!

Thank You ❤️ Love & Peace

Edited by WOO
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