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Weekend of Events 2/12 - 2/14


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  • Administrator


Hello everyone, 

Welcome to the Weekend of Events! Each weekend the team will be hosting up to 10 events with juicy prizes to claim - the events will start promptly at 7 PM server time. The prizes for specific events will be announced once the event has started, the prizes can range from mystery boxes to cosmetics to donation tokens!

Trivia - The host will ask random questions related to Runescape/Zaros. First person to get the correct answer wins.
Drop of the Day - Users must hunt the item announced by the host.
Pest Control Boost - Pest Control points will be boosted for a limited amount of time.


Pet Hunt - Users must hunt the pet we specify.
Nightmare Mass - Users who receive a unique drop will be rewarded.
Boosted Chambers Of Xeric Drop Rate - Drop rates will be boosted for a limited amount of time.

Wilderness Hide n' Seek - Users must find and kill the event host. This event will be hosted in the wilderness thus not being safe.
Hot/Cold Flower - Users will meet at a broadcasted location and line up in a single-file line.  Hosts will go down the line, asking each participant to guess either hot or cold for a single flower plant; if you are correct, you stay, if not, you are eliminated. Last person left wins.
Clue Boost - Extra rolls on uniques for a limited amount of time.


Third-age Race - First user to receive third-age from clue scrolls wins.

Zaros Administration 

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