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LMS Changes

Alera Aesyne

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I know it’s difficult to get 8 people sometimes which sucks for the people who want to play LMS and get points for the shop. However, I don’t think reducing the players required would be the best way as like the previous comment stated it could cause farming problems with points. Perhaps other things could be added to try and improve LMS activity such as having global announcements of when a game will start, etc.

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dont think it needs to be reduced to 4 players for a game to start, however a broadcast needs to be added that would broadcast for everyone to see (in both worlds) that when 1 player joins the lobby everyone online would see for example "1 players joined LMS lobby, 7 more people needed for a game to start" or something similar. this could potentially boost LMS activity atleast slightly

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I also disagree with lowering the min amount of players, but there needs to be more bonus point events and broadcast needs to help with encouraging activity there. Can't have staff members getting upset with desperate people just trying to find a few more players to start their LMS games.

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