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Game Mode Descriptions and EXP rates


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Zaros Game Modes and EXP Rate Guide

(Rates listed below are multipliers to OSRS rates.)


Normal Game Mode

Base game mode for Zaros, no Iron Man restrictions.

Combat*: 200x

Skilling: 50x

Drop Rate Bonus: None

Post-99: 25x

Realism j2mh8kC.png

A Normal Game Mode account, but with lower EXP rates, and a boosted drop rate.

Combat*: 8x

Skilling: 8x

Drop Rate Bonus: 5%

Post-99: Same Values

Standard Iron Man 8xTpQfR.png

An Iron Man is not allowed to trade with other players, stake, receive PK loot, or receive loot left behind from other player's kills.

Combat*: 80x

Skilling: 50x

Drop Rate Bonus: None

Post-99: 25x

Ultimate Iron Man HRFjldY.png

Standard Iron Man rules apply. In addition, the Ultimate Iron Man cannot use banks. They will also not keep their items on death in dangerous areas.

Combat*: 20x

Skilling: 20x

Drop Rate Bonus: None

Post-99: Same Values

Group Iron Man - Normal LvLGvgN.png

A Standard Iron Man account, but with the ability to trade and share a bank with up to 4 other players (5 people total in a group). Slightly less EXP rates than a Standard Iron Man account.

Combat*: 65x

Skilling: 40x

Drop Rate Bonus: None

Post-99: 25x

Group Iron Man - Realist 8fgPAGZ.png

A Group Iron Man account, but with lower EXP rates, and a boosted drop rate.

Combat*: 8x

Skilling: 8x

Drop Rate Bonus: 5%

Post-99: Same Values

Hardcore Iron Man (On death, will become a Standard Iron Man) FR98n2w.png

Standard Iron Man rules apply. In addition, the Hardcore Iron Man has one life. Losing that life will result in being demoted to a Standard Iron Man.

Combat*: 80x

Skilling: 50x

Drop Rate Bonus: None

Post-99: 25x

Elite Hardcore Iron Man (On Death, will become an Elite Iron Man) gqpWriz.png

A Hardcore Iron Man Account, but with lower EXP rates, and a boosted drop rate. Losing a life will result in being demoted to an Elite Iron Man.

Combat*: 8x

Skilling: 8x

Drop Rate Bonus: 8%

Post-99: Same Values

Elite Iron Man (1 or More Deaths) SPu9CiK.png

An Elite Hardcore Iron Man that has one or more death. 

Combat*: 8x

Skilling: 8x

Drop Rate Bonus: 5%

Post-99: Same Values


*Combat Stats Include Melee, Range, Magic, and Prayer.


Edited by Resting
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