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Balboa's Beta Tester Application (IronMan)


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Discord username: Balboa#4986

Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: I reported several bugs on Ikov and i am always looking out for new bugs and issues. 

How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: Almost Maxed on RS3 (Pre-Eoc), Hundreds of Hours spent PvMing and Skilling on the Pre-Eoc Runescape. Playing RSPS's for around 10 Years on and off (played the original ikov 5/6 years ago). I have seen alot RSPS's and i know what differs a good server from a bad one. 

Runescape username & total level: MilfPride, something around 2300 

How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: I am a very experienced ironman (2496, 3B total Rank 5 Fallen EIM on Ikov, 6b total exp alive HCIM on Ikov). I can test the content from an ironman's view 

How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: 8-10 hrs per day since i took off from work for the release but it delayed.

Edited by Balboa
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