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Everything posted by CuziiMusic

  1. I don't think this will increase player rate at LMS. Most ironman play iron for pvm, therefore they lack Pvp skills, which results in getting 0 points. If there would be a way to get points even if you lose then there would be some more people joining in I think.
  2. Mhh, I don't own a Android phone. I suggest to contact one of the developers, they might be able to give a more detailed info in how to fix that. Join the Zaros discord and message one of the developers or try contacting one trough forums. I hope your problem get fixed soon to see you in game!
  3. Try reinstalling the app, also check in the store if the app needs to update. Let me know how this goes!
  4. No for me, same reasons as listed above.
  5. Good update and fixes! Keep up the good work! 🙂 Altough I'm kinda bummed since Slayex had so many good suggestions and I would love to see some of those being implemented. 1 of my favourite suggestions is to add crystal weapon seeds drops for ironman via wildy keys, or any other way except using gauntlet/LMS. Anyway, great update and thanks to everyone who worked on this!
  6. Agreed, also the bank is further away from the teleport than at regular donator zone, which is frustrating aswell.
  7. Definitely support this. Got a lot of them! Any news on when this is going to be implemented?
  8. Yeah, I think it's not hard to implement that but I'm not a coder. Would love to see this option for us EU players.
  9. Thanks for the reply Vanilla! I would love some help especially the olm fight. I'll add you. You're true about the CC, maybe a section in the Zaros discord would help? Mods let me know if that would be possible to make a text section or some based rank system in the discord for people to sign up for learning raids.
  10. Hi Zaros players, Since recently i've started using world 2 more often since it has better ping for me than world 1. I like to use world 2 more often but the problem is, I can't use group ironman bank in world 2. That means banking or gearing up for bosses requires te keep logging between worlds. It also will help to spread the players more on two worlds. I don't know if there already is a post about this, if so feel free to delete this one. But for most european players the use of world 2 is great. Thanks for reading! ❤️
  11. Agreed. Altough it would be nice to have Bxp events, especially when then tell us when and what time. Most Bxp events just randomly get announced by Yell, so most people don't know when there are Bxp events and don't get a chance to use it. More thoughts on this?
  12. I actually see some use in this. But how I see it it's just a luxury update. The costs make it more reasonable though. Would love to see other toughts.
  13. This amazing human being did my inferno cape with scuffed gear. The cape was done remotely so no need to exchange passwords or login! He did it first try, his skill is amazing. He's also very friendly, and helps you to prepare for the fight! If you are looking for someone to do your cape, this is the guy! Many thanks ❤️
  14. Yes would love to see a name changing option!
  15. Hi all, For all the experienced players raids is a piece of cake. Except for newer players. Altough I got a lot of game knowledge, I never progressed this far to complete raids. I watched a lot of guides on Raids, some really good ones I'll link here in this post, but what frustrates me is that people never want to do Raids with you since you don't have experience. What I would love to see is a section on Forum where people can talk about raids or get invited for 'learning raids'. Also a CC could help where people join in to get a learning raid. In that way no one feels left out and more people could join in on raids making it more fun for people to actually participate or grind for those raids stats/gear. Didn't know where to post this so I thought it would be a suggestion at best. For those who are learning raids like me, you want to check out these guides for sure to get a better understanding of what to do in raids. These are just for Chambers of Xeric, since I don't know nothing about Theather of Blood. Happy Grinding Scapers!
  16. Highly recommend making it easier for ironman to obtain crystal weapon seed and armour seed. Besides that fact there are some good suggestions out here in this post. Worth checking staff!
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