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Han Solo

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Posts posted by Han Solo

  1. Please change the settings so that we see all forums members whom have logged into the forums within the last 24 hours.

    Currently the forums are displaying members who have logged within the last 30 minutes, which makes our forums look extremely inactive. I'm sure if a new player were to view the forums currently and see the activity they would turn away. Having a larger list of members viewing the forums attracts players and should bring in more traffic, hopefully ingame and on the forums. 

    Forum activity is dead, please work on this.


  2. 1 hour ago, November said:

    The bonuses and benefits of a $10k donator would obviously have nothing to do with an addition of a $2.5k donator, why not support for both being implemented?

    I personally think there are greater additions to the donator benefits, etc. than a new rank, IMO. Lots of donator benefits currently aren't balanced or have no real purpose. I would like to see some of the zones revamped before a 10K rank debuted as well.

    These jumps from 1k to 5k and 5k to 10k are ridiculous overall.

  3. No, personally would want to see a $2,500 donator before any of these ridiculous $10,000+ ranks were ever added.

    A $4,000 difference between ranks is ridiculous, we also have a very small community of Uber donators. 

  4. 10 hours ago, H A R R Y said:

    I don't support some of these such as the "Donator rank transfer" stuff because if you decided to invest that $ into that HCIM or w/e acc, and it died, you should not be able to simply swap that over to a new account. 

    However having said that, 90% of these suggestions are super good and I would certainly be happy to see them make their way into Zaros, especially because we're always trying to make the donator benefits better and fair to their own ranks.

    Well I don't see how it could affect the game whatsoever, the economy doesn't become affected by this. If a HCIM has donated $1,000's for Legendary/Uber and dies suddenly.. would you not have remorse for them? Most of these Ironman are donating straight out of their pockets with little to no benefits toward Ironman.. not to mention, total donator transfers have been universally accepted by most servers, especially high-end donators. 

    I personally don't feel comfortable playing as a Fallen Elite Ironman knowing a DC could cost me $1000's in donation total that can't be transferred.

    Thank you for the support regardless! ❤️


  5. Please add a function to change from 8x XP rates to normal XP rates.

    @Leaned was able to confirm this was being planned for future content, but I do want to see this available for ALL account types in the future. 



    USXlK7Q.png Elite HCIM > BINVXfq.png HCIM 

    82PNalx.png Fallen Elite > ARNgvuM.png Regular Ironman

    IV7b8d5.png 8x GIM > 7w4Z21T.png Regular GIM

    This will benefit everyone as some players are completely leaving the server because their account can not be converted and they have no plans of starting a new account.. 

    Hopefully this is a priority for future QoL updates.

  6. Incase anyone wants to use them as an avatar, here they are! (someone requested I make them)


    vStUnWS.png - Regular

    2UYMBDM.png - UIM

    NdMxKgm.png - HCIM

    hcE785W.png - Elite

    TnbWmSA.png - Fallen Elite

    mwiuJxT.png -Regular GIM

    dDMp1x3.png - 8x GIM


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