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Posts posted by UIM Exp

  1. Hello guys, back with another progress update and getting straight into where I left off...


    Finishing off the Smoke Devil task I had, I managed to hit 99 Hitpoints as well as 99 Attack




    Alongside this also managed to pick up an Occult Necklace from one of them



    Moving on from this task, next up was cave krakens where I managed to finally hit 99 Slayer



    At this point I'd mostly finished with combat and wanted to focus on finishing up any skilling I still had left to max. I was passively doing herb runs as much as I could be bothered while gathering giant seaweed and mining sandstone in order to make enough molten glass to finish off Construction. After getting around 4000 molten glass, I went ahead and finished off the grind to 99 Construction



    To help with the herbs required for herblore, I decided doing Herbiboar would be the best method for me to finish off 99 Hunter which ended up being a fairly easy grind after getting into the groove.



    With this boost to my herb count as well as the passive herb runs I'd been doing during the previous grinds, I'd stacked up enough to go ahead and finish up 99 Herblore



    Finally with just Defence and Prayer remaining I decided to take a break from actively aiming for max as prayer was going to be such a massive hurdle that I didn't feel like grinding thousands of blue dragons. Instead I focussed on passively trying to catch Dragon Implings for Dragon and Babydragon bones in between the bossing grinds.

    Starting out I headed to Barrows in order to gear myself for Zulrah and future bosses, here's what I got:



     Next it was onto Zulrah, and she was feeling pretty generous. I'd managed to get a Magic Fang and the Tanzanite Fang in 106 KC, alongside 2 Uncut Onyx





    With Zulrah pretty much finished, I turned my attention to my Hydra slayer task as it would be a great way of passively getting insane prayer xp as well as potentially some amazing drops. Just like Zulrah, it seemed like luck was definitely on my side and within my task of 149 KC, this is what I'd managed to receive:


    Hydra Leather almost instantly on 6 KC, allowing me access to the BiS Melee gloves - Ferocious Gloves



    Not only that, I managed to get the god tier drop of the Hydra Claw at 91 KC, allowing me to make the Dragonhunter Lance in the future after I get a Zamorak Hasta



    As if that wasn't enough, I managed to get one of the best possible upgrades for a UIM after getting all 3 drops required for the Brimstone Ring






    With the Hydra task over, I had gotten enough bones together to finish off Prayer, so I went to Sand crabs to afk the final level for 99 Defence before heading to finish prayer



    Finally, after a long time of grinding, I finished using up each and every bone I had saved up to reach 99 Prayer and achieve Maxed stats




    For anyone curious, this is my total playtime in order to max, I was in no way "sweating" it out, but I'm fairly happy with how long this took



    With this I have managed to become the 8th UIM on the server to max ?



    Thanks to anyone for reading these little updates, it's been fun to track my own progress towards maxing the account. Going forward my next goal will likely be aiming to learn and complete the Inferno. This is something I've always wanted but never been able to, having access to the last 3 waves will make learning Zuk and Triple Jads a lot more enjoyable and I look forward to trying it out.

  2. Hi, was just wondering if it would be at all possible to change my in-game name? Putting UIM is great and all, but it really paints an even bigger target on my back in the wildy, didn't really think that though? I would be willing to pay for this service as well if possible as long as it's not breaking the bank.


  3. 12 minutes ago, UIM Ramsey said:

    This takes away an Inv spot.. as a fello UIM you should support!


    But in reality, that would be a cool perk. With 99 construction, you can change your tele to home maybe with a 1m paywall?

    Sure the free inventory spot is nice, but allowing something like that would take away from the usefulness of items like the Con cape and the option on the Max cape. Earning these items to allow you to do stuff like freely teleport to the POH direct is part of the integrity of the game. 

    Also from a UIM pov, the max cape should be the ultimate utility feature allowing you to enjoy features such as teleporting directly to the POH in a single slot that can be worn. I don't think taking away from that is beneficial for the UIM experience or the server as a whole.

    Note side, 1m is ridiculously cheap for such a feature.

  4. Back again for part 3 of my UIM progress working towards maxing. Going to try and change up the format a bit for this one, let me know what you think.

    Achieved in this Progress update:



    • 99 Magic
    • 99 Runecrafting
    • 99 Farming
    • 99 Fishing
    • 99 Cooking
    • 99 Crafting
    • 99 Range


    • Imbued Cape
    • God d'hide bodies
    • Wizard boots
    • Spiked Manacles
    • Ranger boots
    • Trident


    Starting off, while doing a few herb runs, passively managed to achieve 99 Magic as I was already less than 100k xp from the level.



    After this I took my first "dangerous" trip off into the Wilderness to get myself an Imbued Cape



    Next was easily the worst grind I've had to do so far... 99 Runecrafting. For this I went ahead and crafted Blood runes from 77-90 and then Soul runes from 90-99. Along the way I passed the 200 Million xp milestone as well!





    After this grind was over, I took a little break and did some farming runs as I had a few Redwood saplings and more than enough Fruit tree saplings to get myself 99 Farming.



    The next grind on the list was Fishing. I definitely underestimated just how many clue scrolls I'd be getting along the way for this and I really wish I had a scroll sack at the time. None the less along the way I did quite a few clue scrolls and got pretty damn lucky shall we say.


    Clue Scrolls Rewards:



    First boot drop on the account from Medium clue scrolls, got myself a pair of Wizard boots!



    Third Hard clue done and managed to get myself 2 different kinds of God d'hide bodies, just a nice thing to have.



    Soon after in the Medium Clues, got myself another boot upgrade... Spiked Manacles



    Lastly saving the best for last, got super lucky and got myself a pair of Ranger boots at only 45 Medium Clue scroll Completions!



    Collection Log Update after this amazing luck:



    Finally with all the Clue Scrolls I could be bothered to do, I got around to finishing the 99 Fishing grind



    Naturally what comes next after Fishing? 99 Cooking of course, with the sharks I had caught along the way. I banged this out at the Hosidius range until I hit 99, then finished the rest of the sharks down in the Rogues Den for closer "banking".




    With my food cooked and ready to go, I was ready to finally dive back into the slayer grind! But before that I had 2 Crafting levels to go and supplies I need in future for bosses like Zulrah. I headed to the wall safes and thieved until I had enough gems for 99 Crafting. I needed to get sapphires for future recoils and ruby/diamonds for bolt tips anyway so this was worthwhile getting out the way first while I had inventory space.



    FINALLY I can start the real slayer grind. After doing all these 99s I hopped straight into slayer, flying through levels as well as training my Attack and Defence up. Got my second Cave Kraken task of the account and managed to get myself a big upgrade, my trusty trident which I achieved around ~220 KC, just a little over the droprate.



    With all this Slayer training, I made sure to cannon every single task I possibly could, not only to speed up the tasks but to completely passively train Range. From 70 onwards I had not trained Range through any means except the cannon and after burning through almost ~20k cannonballs, I managed to achieve 99 Range



    And that's it! This update had a lot more in it than I originally intended so apologies for the long post.

    Here's where the account's stats are at now:


    As you can see I completely flew past the 2200 total level milestone and with the except of Prayer, I'm now sitting at Base 90s for all skills.

    Almost forgot, with this I also finally am no longer stuck in 15th place on the leaderboard, I've managed to move up to 11th, closing in on that top 10!



    Going forward, unless there are big PVM related goals, my next progress update should be where I max the account.

    For anyone interested here's what I have planned for the remaining skills:


    Attack and Defence - Passively gained while doing Slayer
    Slayer - Grind Slayer (Obviously)

    Prayer -

    • Try hunting Dragon Implings for bones
    • Grind Hydra then use on Altar
    • Cannon Blue dragons then use on Altar

    Construction -

    • Farm Seaweed for large quantity
    • Mine Granite for a lot of buckets of sand
    • Superglass make all into molten glass
    • Molten glass for Crafting table to 99

    Herblore - Passive herb runs

    Hunter - Herb sack from Slayer then Herbiboar to 99


    Thanks for reading guys, hope you enjoyed the little progress update! ?

  5. Having to teleport home to run to an NPC to access a teleport menu is slower and more tedious than the current teleport system. Why would I want to remove the ability to easily access the teleport interface, teleport to my last used teleport etc via my spellbook no matter where I am in the game and instead have to teleport home and run over to an NPC for the exact same interface?

    Especially for certain grinds like blood rune crafting where I'm constantly having to teleport to dark altar via my spellbook. Why would I want to double the number of teleports I'm having to do by needing to teleport home first just to teleport to where I want to go?

  6. In-game Name(s)  UIM Exp

    Discord Tag Expozzia#9754

    What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) Recruit (Singluar banana)

    Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) N/A

    When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) January 24th

    Would you be able/willing to attend weekly meetings on Discord? (For LT applications only. For Recruit-Sergeant, put N/A) N/A

    What are your strengths? Fairly strong in-game knowledge for both Zaros and OSRS, Friendly and always willing to help when I can.

    What are your weaknesses? I think UIM is a fun gamemode

    In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for: Always pretty active in the CC, offering help whenever I can. Friendly and try to get involved in conversation in Discord as well as in-game. I also really want to dual wield bananas ?

  7. 35 minutes ago, UIM Ramsey said:

    Where do you plan on getting all of your seeds if you're doing heroes for 99 Thieving? I am currently on my thieving grind.. Doing master farmer all the way to 99 so I can bank 99 farming as well as herb. 

    Been getting my seed drops through slayer and farming contracts mainly. Haven't ran into many issues so far, however I do 1, maybe 2 herb runs a day. If you're doing more than that then I can see the need for Master Farmers. Alternatively what I should have done instead of heroes was wallsafes for the gems as I want to stack on recoils for zulrah as well as making ruby/diamond bolts. I wasn't aware of the gem bag you can get if you're Super+ at the time.

  8. spacer.png
    By UIM Exp


    Since there doesn't seem to be any guides for UIMs out there atm, I've decided to give creating my own a go.

    I've broken this guide down into a few key categories for anyone interested in trying the gamemode or for anyone just looking for some potentially helpful tips and tricks.


    Getting Started

    First things first, lets have a look at the gamemode and its restrictions:

    Ultimate Ironman has a base XP rate of 20x. This is for Combat and Skilling, as well as post 99s.


    • Cannot access banks
    • Cannot access Trading Post
    • Cannot trade other players
    • Cannot use another players POH

    What you can do:

    • Use items on a bank to swap between its noted and unnoted form
    • Access the Ironman Store



    With all these restrictions on a Ultimate Ironman, planning ahead of time is a key skill in order to avoid constantly having a full inventory. As space is one of the most important assets a UIM has, taking advantage of this will really set you off in the right direction. With this in mind it is highly recommend to prioritise training skills that require a lot of inventory space in order to be more efficent. However bare in mind skills such as Fishing for example may be better left till later as you don't want to have a inventory slot permanently taken up by food you won't need till much later on. The Ironman store gives you access to a permanent supply of Salmon which should be enough for early game food and the Warriors guild supplying Potatoes with Cheese for mid game.

    Alongside this, Wilderness related tasks may be better to get done early while you have minimal risk, especially if you plan on getting the achievements done as doing this later with a lot more risk can be very stressful.

    Skilling is usually your first priority when starting out as once you begin training combat and slayer, your available inventory slots will rapidly diminish.

    Getting yourself a looting bag should be a high priority once you find yourself needing to hold onto items for other skills, bossing etc in order to maintain as much free inventory space as possible. As UIM is so restricted, it's not uncommon to grind one skill out at a time as switching skills can be time consuming due to the nature of the gamemode and its lack of access to a bank.


    Storage Options

    As a Ultimate Ironman you will have access to a very limited selection of storage options, these options include:

    • Looting Bag
    • Item Retrieval Services such as Zulrah/Hespori etc
    • POH
    • STASH Units
    • Additional Misc Storage

    Looting bags are a UIMs best friend, they act as a second inventory which can be extremely useful. However there are a few restrictions. You may only put items into the Looting bag when you are in the Wilderness. You may also only retrieve an item from your Looting bag by dying, resulting in the bag being destroyed. Be very wary when putting items into your Looting bag and always check your surroundings before entering the Wilderness.

    How to obtain a Looting Bag:


    Looting bags are dropped by most NPCs in the wilderness, however it is recommended to kill Thugs in the Edgeville Dungeon as they are low level and relevatively safe from the usual pkers.

    Alternatively you can also gain points by playing the Last Man Standing minigame and trading the NPC to obtain a Looting bag for 3 points. I would recommend just earning these over time to save yourself in future whenever you don't want to have to kill Thugs for another one.

    Edgeville Dungeon can be accessed via a trapdoor in the ruins behind Edgeville Bank, you can find Thugs located here:


    Item Retrieval Services allow for a temporary storage solution allowing you to completely free up your inventory, you can also claim back specific items allowing you to freely pick and choose anything you need at the time. This type of system works with both Hespori and Zulrah. There is one major drawback to this storage however as if you die while your items are in storage, everything in there will be lost. For this reason it is highly recommended that you only do safe activities while using this service.

    Player Owned Houses are extremely useful for Ultimate Ironmen. Within the Costume room, you are able to build a wide variety of storage for specific items. With the current implementation of this on Zaros, you aren't able to store majority of clue scroll items, however you will be able to store a large number of useful items.
    A small list of some notable items is:

    • Regular/Elite Void Set
    • Skilling outfits
    • Infinity Boots
    • Ranger Boots
    • Fighter Torso
    • Skilling Capes
    • Max Capes
    • Imbued Capes

    STASH Units are scattered all around the world. They require specific construction levels and materials based on the tier of STASH unit.
    On Zaros, only 1 item is required in order to use the units, you do NOT need the other "required items". A full list of the useful items can be seen here:



    Additional Misc Storage - There are some extra storage options that can be useful to be UIM such as:

    • Coin storage - Using a coffer such as at Last Man Standing you are able to store your coins
    • Tool Leprechauns - These guys can store various farming tools, extremely useful for farm runs
    • Seed Vault - A UIM's dream storage for all things farming. You can store all your seeds and saplings in this. Located at the Farming Guild.
    • Herb Sack - On Zaros, the sack has a cap of 500 of each grimy herb in the game.


    Tips and Tricks

    • Cannons can be "stored" by taking advantage of the Collection box at any bank. Place your cannon down anywhere and after the 25 minute timer is up, if your inventory is completely full, your cannon will be sent to your collection box to be retrieved whenever you need.
    • Seed boxes work as a portable Seed Vault on Zaros. This is an extremely useful item for a UIM to have as any seed drops can be sent straight to the vault wherever you are and you can freely store/retrieve anything from the vault allowing for easier farm runs.
    • Herb Sacks on Zaros have a capped limit of 500 of each grimy herb. This means you can store a large supply of grimy herbs in here making it an ideal way to store potions without taking up a lot of inventory slots. Simply store the grimy herb and make the potions as and when you need to by taking advantage of the Herblore shop to buy the secondaries.
    • Last Man Standing can be a great way of having instant access to a new Looting bag without the need to go kill Thieves in the wildy etc. Very handy when you're in a rush or simple don't want to wait around for a RNG drop.
    • If you talk to any banker, you choose how you would like your items to be noted/unnoted. You can either have it note all/unnote all (default option) or you can choose to require a specific number to note/unnote. This can be especially handy for skills such as Herblore where managing multiple items can be tricky.



    This is my first attempt at making a guide so sorry if there are any mistakes, I will try to update and adjust the guide as time goes on. Feel free to leave any additional helpful info missing from the guide and I'll make sure to add it in. Thanks!

  9. Hi guys, back again with a small progress update, continuing to work towards my goal of maxing the account.

    Following on from what I set out to do from the end of the last update, I went ahead and got myself 99 Woodcutting, got myself enough vote tickets to purchase goldsmith gauntlets and with a few drops from Zalcano later, got myself 99 Smithing.


    99 Woodcutting



    99 Smithing



    Zalcano also drop quite a lot of Mithril bars so I went ahead and smithed up another 25k darts to achieve 99 Fletching



    Updated my little stash of darts



    Got myself to 2k total level overall after these 99s.



    99 Thieving was up next and grinded that at heroes, even managed to pick myself up a pet Rocky along the way.




    After a small herb run, managed to get myself the Herbi pet super early making a few side potions



    Since I had ~20k cannonballs from Zalcano, I thought I'd put them to use and started grinding slayer tasks, along the way managed to get myself 99 Strength



    Shortly after began bursting Abby demons to get my first real "grind" on the account, 192 KC in, it happened



    And that's it so far for my progress, after all that, this is the stats my account is currently sitting at:



    Moving forward I'm hoping to grind out 99 Runecrafting using the blood altar, this should passively get me close, if not 99 Crafting along the way.
    Magic will likely be passively finished with farm runs etc as it's less than 100k xp away. I will continue doing slayer and using the rest of the cannonballs whenever possible to hopefully get 99 Range completely passively. I'm very slowly doing aerial fishing in order to achieve the angler set to get 99 fishing, however I hate that activity so I have been doing it 1 piece at a time.


    Finally just as a little update for myself, despite gaining 129 levels and almost 100 million xp from my last update, I'm still in 15th place.
    I imagine I'll be stuck there for a little while as everyone beyond that is either maxed or very close to maxing.





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