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GIM Chunks

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Everything posted by GIM Chunks

  1. Point skip, turael skip or slayer skip scrolls. no support
  2. Would you +1 to have work put into those item if the revision came to be updated? 😁
  3. -1 for being Generally rude in support and yell -1 for being Very combative/argumentative, becomes aggressive when opinions are challenged -1 for being Drama queen in yell and complains about getting PK'd -5/7, no support
  4. Hi everyone, A small disclaimer before the post : 1 - I don't want this discussion to be pigeonholed into what SHOULD and SHOULD NOT give the items. I think this should be polled or decided by concerned members of the staff or another thread. 2 - Unless GOTR is confirmed to be 100% released by devs AT THE TIME OF THIS POST, we should also not discuss whether GOTR will be released or not or anything related to that. Thanks That being said, I strongly believe some of the items from guardian of the rift should be obtainable in some form or other. Personally, these would be a must to add to the server The colossal pouch is a massive QOL, (less clicks always makes my wrists happy) https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Colossal_pouch The guardians eye for the RC pet transmog, which is goated IMHO https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Guardian's_eye And a new pet! https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Abyssal_protector And these optionally for collection slots and/or just things to farm but the bonuses are arguably useless on Zaros due to magic shops we don't need to RC for anything other than XP really. The The Raiment's of the Eye outfit (and/or the various dyes that could be omitted) https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Raiments_of_the_Eye The lantern would also be useless since you can shop all the runes and pouch don't degrade https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Abyssal_lantern Thank you for reading.
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