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Posts posted by FTWImCody

  1. 1 hour ago, Pink Boots said:

    stupid fucking suggestion, this is an rsps people don't play it for the 1:1 with 07 lmfao if you want this shit go play 07 you cave dwelling idiot


    54 minutes ago, La Masacuaca said:

    hope you drop dead on the spot for being so retarded

    No need to be so toxic, it is called a suggestion for a reason...just state your thoughts on it and move on don't make it personal ?

  2. My current full time job is actually software developer ? I graduated college with a 3.6 GPA in dual major Computer Science: Software Development and Computer Science: Web Development. I am familiar with HTML5/CSS3, SQL, PHP, JavaScript on the Web End of things. Python, Lua and C# on the Software part of things..I usually work with Python mostly but love tinkering around with different languages...Java is the next one on my list actually ? Nice to see other developers and definitely hit me up in PM and we can chat about programming a bit ?

  3. As @Sletjesaid above, some quests will award combat experience, will recommend it to the developers to give a lamp instead maybe?


    That being said, there is a Melee Combat tutor at home where you can pay gp to reset combat skills..


    Also, there is a Combat XP toggle that I had forgot about ? 


  4. 2 minutes ago, Wat said:

    This would make a shipshape little additament. Would be fascinating to see how fortuitous or how much a player had to grind for their pet.

    Thems some big words ? Haha but I agree, would be cool to see how lucky some one was in getting pet

  5. 2 hours ago, Worst UIM said:

    Damn, bunch of ppl who never has played RSPS. My guess is that you get more bank space by having higher donator rank and if this is a case, Ima give this post -1 support ?

    I have played rsps in the past but it gets increased at $10, $50, $250, $1000 and $5000...maxing out at like 2500 slots or something. They could at least give the bare minimum of 400-450..50-100 makes a huge difference ?

  6. On 11/28/2020 at 5:28 PM, Naked taco said:

    Thanks bro Remeber keep your head up and don't loose hope. Message me if you need a friend bro we can play this together next Friday when it releases. Hit me up brother better days are ahead for us both.

    Until then you can always apply for Beta applications, as those will be open until release and they may even do an open beta so you can play a little earlier than Friday ?

  7. 22 hours ago, vRedacted said:

    +1, But only because there's no reason for it not to be a thing. That being said tho I've never had a problem with bank space

    I have never had problems with bank space until playing the beta I hit 350 spaces easily


    On 11/27/2020 at 4:59 PM, HD Stefan said:

    Hey, i just created a realist account and the beginner stall gave 200 xp and the baker stall gave less xp. also the Kourend Fruitstalls dont work, could you fix those before release please?:D


    Yea this has been reported in #bug-reports on Beta Discord, for future reference though refer to this post:

    22 hours ago, vRedacted said:


  9. 10 hours ago, Tman786 said:

    Agree with all these suggestions.

    So that I don't forget, and not to make a separate post, I also feel like fine-tuning the unread content section to exclude things like beta apps would be nice so forum users can see new meaningful posts and not have to scroll through like 20 beta apps before finding a new post.

    Big support, in the past two days I have had to scroll through so many Beta App posts haha ?

  10. On 11/28/2020 at 6:30 PM, vRedacted said:

    Like Cody said, They delayed it again. So is this like DelayedScape 2?

    Yea DelayedScape 2 confirmed release December 4th, 2020 ? 

  11. 5 hours ago, Kip said:

    My #1 is Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    I still need to watch this, my friend when we were playing RuneScape years ago kept screaming "We are the Knights of NI!, And we say Ni!"

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