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  1. Still easier to just use "them" as a blanket word to cover both genders, haha. But nice.
  2. You have? I have seen manyyy of these notifications and it's always said "him." Interesting.
  3. I noticed when someone get an Ancient Casket in the wilderness, the ending text says, "Get him!" Could we have it say, "Get them!" instead? Only because not everyyyone that plays is a male 😛
  4. I'd like to still see them in the actual chatting feeds, though.
  5. I like to click on "Game" just to see the in-game feed but it's annoying still seeing chat messages from yells.
  6. Ah, different timezones. I am about to AFK or logout now. 1AM my time, been on 17hrs, haha.
  7. Added a while ago today. Not sure if you’ve been on or if private chat is Friends or anything. 🙂
  8. Do you still actively do this?
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