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Yennin Fett

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Everything posted by Yennin Fett

  1. Considering his sociable personality, player engagement, game knowledge, and active times I give this applicant my recommendation. I cannot read the total time played from the screenshot provided (whether due to image quality or lack of visual enhancement tools on my end) but if it exceeds the minimum 30+ hours of server game time that we consider for the role then I see no issue on my end to support him.
  2. I just realized that I have never posted an introduction of myself, so I best do so now. My name is Yennin Fett, and I am currently acting as a Server Support staff here on the Zaros team. I am 26 years old, USMC Veteran, and currently engaging in advanced schooling for a bachelor's degree in engineering. I consider myself experienced with OSRS as a whole and enjoy partaking in the end-game content as well as finding new ways to optimize progression. During my free time, you can find me on the server running raids, assisting the community, as well as running small events for the community. If you do not see me online, there is a 50% chance I will be on the server on one of my other accounts enjoying the game. If you wish to reach out to me, you can find me online in the server with my friends chat open, or find me on discord at: Yennin Fett#2617 I look forward to seeing you all in game!
  3. See you all in the Chambers on Friday!
  4. Nice to meet you man. Sounds like you have experienced quite a lot in life so far, and I hope the game is enjoyable to you. Hope to see you in-game and participate in some group content like raids soon enough. Welcome to the server!
  5. Go ahead and double check your inventory, bank, and collection box for the gp. I will try and see if I can get a moderator to investigate the topic for you.
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