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Posts posted by Rebooted66

  1. Isn't that just part of the gamemode? Shouldn't you just build a team with people you know are in it for the long run? How would you decide what gets taken from one group to be put onto another to be fair to the other members of the defunct group should they come back?


  2. 8 hours ago, Hope said:

    Snake weed is not a notable item on OSRS!

    Well like our friend below you said, we make suggestions based on what we want to see different from OSRS. Making it slightly more convenient to make a potion isn't going to ruin the servers likeness when compared to the base game.

  3. The Herblore shop sells you snake weed, but you have to buy it 27 at a time as it doesn't come noted. I think it would help with making larger quantities of Sanfews since you won't have to make a lot of trips between the bank and shop.

  4. From what I understand this was initially increased for deadman mode? I haven't been around this long but what I can say is I play on 4 accounts often and was recently stripped of that. Hoping to get more accounts active again, not really sure why suddenly 8 months later this was reverted to 3. 


  5. Allow for the use of instance tokens for the Giant Mole Boss.


    Super risky trying to use pet scrolls now that I am over 2000 kc. I had 4 different people show up needing 5 for board and it took way too much convincing to get one of them to let me use up the last 11 minutes of my pet scroll. Please fix.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Hope said:

    Your row is for slayer caksets. Boss caskets are not related to slayer in any way.

    I never said Boss caskets were related to slayer, I said I was surprised to find out they didn't work the exact same way lol. 

    The potential for a rework is there, I'd even take a lower drop rate on the boss caskets if it meant they would be an additional drop and get picked up by my row.

    Also, Giant Mole doesn't drop them.

  7. Yeah, holy shit was it a shock to find out they don't work exactly like slayer caskets for how much grind I just did to get here. 549 tasks, my row doesn't even auto bank them the way it would with a regular slayer casket. 

  8. End of the story is:


    Some players don't want to group up with others and have the social interactions others claim they wish to have while on a Wintertodt event. This is especially true when the games are not able to be played out in certain ways that allow for better compensation of time spent doing the event. The only reasonable solution is to add them to a feature that already exists in the game, the instance tokens, so everyone can have their way. Can lock the thread now, it's just mindless arguing that isn't getting anywhere from people who already stated their intent was to "fuel it."

  9. 1 hour ago, Zik My Zuk said:

    Bruh. 1. You can do wt off event without any interruptions if you really want to. 2. You get a fuck ton of points with the event 3. I've seen the wt event been turned on several times in the past 2 weeks - twice for weekend events and at least once throughout the week before the lagg issues started so you can't even use the excuse it was to compensate the shit servers. 4500 points is more than enough. A server event is an event which everyone in the server takes part. I personally see it as a way to interact with players much more often and make new friends. Honestly, the weekend events is already so OP as it is. It should've never been a thing. Too bad you can't remove it now because everyone would just cry 24/7 like they are now.

    Damn, you sound so bitter it's insane!

    1 - Half of my KC is off event. Maybe 15-20 of my games are town board where I wasn't aiming for max points.

    2 - Not when people are griefing. That was the whole point of this post.

    3 - What does the event being turned on multiple times in 2 weeks have to do with this? That just means getting girefed that much more if you partake in all the times wt event is active.

    4500 points is not 13,500 points so it is not enough for a max roll crate, is that clear? If you crave interaction and friendship from other players, I'd recommend joining one of the larger CC's instead of lighting all 4 braziers at wintertodt. Imagine complaining about dying player count and then complaining about events that are designed to draw in players. Your whole argument has just been you countering your previous statements in the following ones. You're obsessed with people crying over events but you don't even realize that in turn you are now crying over events lol.


  10. 10 minutes ago, Zik My Zuk said:

    2 and a half inventories if u fletch is more than enough points LOL especially on 3x


    Again, 160 runs deep, just want 1 item, need the most rolls I can get to do so. Why would we turn on 3x points if not to get to max points quicker? Walking in circles here, point is random players decide that now that a wt event is active, "I'm going to 99 firemaking as fast as possible" and light all the altars. If you didn't know, guessing you didn't since you think 4500 points is more than enough, every 250 points past the first 500 is a 50% chance at an additional roll at the cap of 13,500! It makes no sense to rush games on 3x points when you can get a max roll crate that much faster during the events.

  11. 1 minute ago, Zik My Zuk said:

    Most group activities are dead so why kill this one too? You get more than enough points regardless even if someone lights all braziers and speeds up the game - it's not like it ends instantly. Loads of people still run wintertodt despite there being no instance and people lighting braziers.

    if you light all 4 at the very start you get 2 and a half inventories if you fletch, maybe. I saw your 12 kc so I'm not sure what experience you're talking from chief. Where are these loads of people? I can't find them off event lmfao

  12. 5 hours ago, Hope said:

    I'm pretty sure crystal keys are just as easy/easier to get without having level 90 town board.

    That's correct, many scrolls don't enter the game on a daily basis. We don't want them to be common, readily available, or have them all bought out by a single wealthy player.

    "I'm pretty sure crystal keys are just as easy/easier to get without having level 90 town board."

    I'm not so sure. The main source I think of for crystal shards is gauntlet which I still cannot do. After that is Zalcano maybe? Good luck though, need an event to be active for that. Guess I could spend millions I don't have for seeds from gauntlet to maybe get 1 scroll out of 250m gp.


    "That's correct, many scrolls don't enter the game on a daily basis. We don't want them to be common, readily available, or have them all bought out by a single wealthy player."

    If one person wants to merch the market, they can do that; that's just how the trade post works. Doesn't mean an item of this value shouldn't be tradeable. Forget putting them in a token store of any sort, just focus on the trading aspect. What's wrong with 1 guy being able to use his gp to advance his town board? Wouldn't it be better off if that 1 rich guy wasn't so rich anymore because all the scrolls he just bought are going to turn into air as he levels his town board? We're making it out to seem like these scrolls can advance you a whole level when you really just roll "Mine 44 tin" "Fish and Deliver 33 Raw Shrimp" "Light 60 Regular Logs" and get a combined 1100 points. If someone wants to spend 10m gp for a scroll that gets them 1100 points, I think they should be able to. Anyway, that's my case,

  13. Just now, Zik My Zuk said:

    Only reason why I don't support idea is because it makes the game look even more dead. Playercount already slowly dwindling down and this is giving another excuse to make areas of the game look dead.

    Most group activities are dead. Letting 1 player roll the other 15 that want to do the activity on event is just going to kill those areas even more in my opinion. I stopped running wt since writing this post in hopes to get instanced so yeah not sure chief.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Zik My Zuk said:

    ngl the points are still a lot even when people light all braziers, everyone just spoiled and think less than 13k is bad

    Imagine telling people that go and grind wintertodt for max point games they're spoiled. I don't even think that word fits in this context. If I manage max point games off event, I feel like it wouldn't be crazy to expect the same in 3x less times invested lol.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Zik My Zuk said:

    Yes, you guys cry 24/7 and act like it don't happen off event too. I need boots too, I need to do the minigame myself. I don't care if others light all braziers. Be like me.

    personally have 160 games run and the only time this happens off event is for 1 townboard task, not 15 games in a row of a player just lighting the brazier. nice try tho. nobody camps wintertodt off event, it's a dead place without a boost. turn the points up though and all the sudden people want 99 firemaking.

  16. On 4/13/2022 at 3:58 AM, Hope said:

    We have gotten a lot of positive feedback on the town board since its release. Some people might not like it because it requires effort to level up versus just being able to AFK like other skills.

    I like town board I just think the scrolls should be tradeable. I can't imagine many actually enter the game on a daily basis.

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