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Everything posted by ags

  1. Thanks Yennin! It’s been quite the experience to say the very least. Looking forward to seeing you in-game! 💛
  2. Woo! I look forward to the weekend and the grinds with you lads ❤️
  3. Haha Negative @11 but I have 18 years of RS on and off. I know my fair share 🙂 Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by! I look forward to playing together more ❤️
  4. Not going to say a ton here, but wanted to introduce myself to the community of Zaros. I will give you guys some in-signt to my life and my background, and I look forward to learning more about you guys to😁 My name is Nick. I am 26 YOA and my in-game is "ags". I grew up on the East Coast but have moved around my entire life to the likes of North Carolina, West Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Hawaii, and Las Vegas. I am a former FBI HRT (hostage rescue team) operator of 5 years. I was faced with a career ending injury at 26, and have since struggled to find my way in life a little. I have a 4 month old son (Paxton) and a beautiful (soon to hopefully be fiance) girlfriend. I have a 4 year old German Shepherd (Gia) who also keeps me on my toes. My recent outlet has been playing OSRS/Zaros to keep me sane and feeling like I'm accomplishing something while rehabbing and continuing to find my next calling in life. I won't answer questions outside of telling you that, nor will I talk a lot of my experience as I'm under NDA. I will only talk/answer things I am allowed to, or better yet want to. I'm always super active in-game, and will do my best to assist/answer any questions game related. You will find me mostly in the "Support" CC, but can feel free to PM me as I am usually busy GRINDING non stop. I don't like to waste time when I am logged in, so PMing me would probably be the best contact. I look forward to meeting all of you and hope we all talk/cross paths atleast once! Cheers! -AGS
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