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Posts posted by king

  1. 19 minutes ago, Cox said:

    I'm talking about complications on the developers side, because I've never seen it implemented as well as other skills so there's gotta be something in there that's stumping developers no? On Ikov you can encounter some really puzzling bugs quite commonly in farming, and I keep mentioning that server because I'm pretty sure that's the only one I'm allowed to make reference to without breaking the rules lol, but yes I notice bugs with the timing, but also the patches themselves commonly end up bugged/unusable or with visual glitches

    ahh fair enough, seen a few servers like this in the past. I think it may be underdeveloped because of a lack of interest from players, similar to construction (although instances I can imagine are a little trickier) 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Cox said:

    Exactly, I haven't played an RSPS yet that hasn't had buggy coding with farming. I guess something about it is more complicated than other skills? I'm not sure, but I know that I've ran into problems on every server I've played, especially Ikov with the buggy patches that sometimes would be impossible to clear without an admin completely fixing your account after days only to have it happen again almost immediately after lol.

    It's not so much the complication but rather the time it takes to grow a crop, then if you forget about it, it dies. ? Isn't so bad with the new plugins that runelite offers, would absolutely love to bag myself the pet as well, one of my favourites.

  3. On 6/16/2020 at 12:19 PM, Ollie V1 said:

    Joined in 2005 when I was in high school, had too many hours played during my play time ?. Played through all eras of RS - played mainly to PK and went through Wildy - BH Crater - PVP - BH Worlds/Wildy Return. Quit once EOC was introduced and came back to OSRS about a year ago, however, the wildy seems dead in OSRS and not as active as it once was prior to me joining back. 

    Used to be in a few teams during my time and was focused on Single Teams to pk with as I found that most fun. 

    Probably my favourite time pking was in BH craters, stepping through those as a kid was mind blowing, will I get out with my loot before the timer ends? 

  4. 11 hours ago, Classic said:

    Oh, well from a business point of view the gap between $1,000 & $5,000 may not be the smartest move if I may say.

    Because if you have for example $2,500 between there someone might get that instead of the $1,000 meanwhile the $5,000 is so far away they might not even bother.

    What about buying bonds in-game then? Well you'll need a ridiculous amount of wealth to jump $4,000 in-game as well which means that really nobody can afford it with in-game money or even wants to spend that much which means they will most likely remain stuck at $1,000 and not buy more bonds from that point forward meaning that bonds won't be as high in demand which means the price won't be too good when you compare donating & what you receive in return which won't attract people to donate. Yes, I realize that if the demand falls the price falls and then people might buy them in-game and they will rise a little again & so on (hard to predict exactly what happens but I still think the gap is bad for both the players & Owners that are trying to make money with this game as a business) 

    I could be wrong though and I'm sure you guys know what you're doing anyway but please do take this into consideration if not from the players point of view then at least have a bit of self interest ?

    I can see your point. I think somebody with $5k spare to spend on a RSPS isn't really concerned about getting too much value for money in regards to monetary gain, more so benefits that come with it & the notoriety. I do agree that an incentive is needed to get people continuously buying from the shop, but its a major balancing act between that & maintaining a stable economy. Without demand, like you say, the price will fall & people would be less inclined to make a purchase, have the supply to large and the same outcome would arise. 


    I'd fall into the casual donator category, anywhere from $10-$30, around what i'd spend on a console game & would choose to grind in game if I wanted anything else from the donator store, I think appealing to this demographic is better for the longevity of the game apposed to making expensive ranks that appeal to 1-2% of the player base (although i'm not apposed to them existing as I can see the benefit they have on cash flow). 

  5. 2 hours ago, Diamond said:

    Farming, every RSPS I've ever played I always leave that 99 until last it's just annoying lol. Plus most RSPS i've played farming is never properly coded. 

    Yea if trees are coded properly I'm absolutely fine, as soon as i've got to start planting herbs & watermelons, its game over

  6. 15 minutes ago, Cox said:

    Honestly depends on the server. I found some servers were awful for some skills simply because of the way they were coded in, but the skill itself wasn't bad in OSRS. If we're strictly talking OSRS then yes I hate RC, fishing is super boring and all other afk skills for that matter. I do enjoy hunter generally, agility is fun, and... ya that's probably it lol

    I think cooking in zeah is pretty satisfying, exp rate and surroundings wise. I also don't mind smithing in varrock because you see some sights inside the w bank ?

  7. 7 hours ago, Classic said:

    Hardly anybody opens a RSPS these days from a hobby point of view and if you want an active server with players you will need to advertise & pay content creators which isn't cheap.

    Private server in 2020 is a business which relies on donations and nobody/not many people are going to donate unless they get something in return for their money.

    However there are many different ways of making donating worthy meanwhile not actually fucking up the whole economy or giving iron accounts too massive advantage and here's how or at least the main idea what a donator store could offer:

    1) Quality Of Life stuff: Things that generally make the game more easy & smooth for the players

    Could be for example a donator zone that makes skilling more smooth & efficient or you get to do farm runs more often depending on your rank & you receive a small boost when picking your herbs from your planted seeds. There could also be for example some sort of slayer points boost or a donator only slayer cave / cheaper instances for boss rooms


    2) Unlocking untradable items from the donator store will save time but it won't have a negative impact on the economy (Fire cape,void,dragon defender etc)


    3) The higher donator rank you have the more:

    A) Minigame points you receive per game (pest control for example) 

    B) You get to skip more waves at fight caves & inferno for example

    C) More vote points each time you take your time to vote

    D) You don't need to pay to repair broken barrows/decanting potions for free


     4) Skilling outfits that give you small boost for certain skills could be in the donator store 


    5) Maybe there could be an extremely small boost for drop rates if you have +$500 in donations


    6) Cosmetics that let you stand out from rest of the players:

    A) Rare items that won't have an impact on the economy or give unfair advantage PVP or PVM wise

    B) Different tiers of donators can unlock different types of skin colors to stand out

    C) Different kind of scrolls in the donator store that will give you small boosts for example: TOB scroll/COX scroll/Gauntlet scroll/Clue scrolls/Drop rate booster/Pet hunting scroll and maybe even some sort of PVP points scroll

    This list could go on for quite a long time but this is just a simple example because people should get something in return for their money otherwise they simply won't donate if they don't see a reason to do so but of course it shouldn't be anything that wrecks the economy or gives people a massive advantage compared to other players because that will just demotivate them as well.

    For the most part I agree with what you're saying, massive effort put into that reply as well. I think maybe halving the item fixes rather than completely abolishing them may be better from a standpoint of longevity as they act as consistent money sinks. Perhaps even having a benefit which decreases your tax paid when gambling for donators, capped at 50% of that someone would have to pay if they weren't a donator. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Ollie said:

    You could do a road to Tbow series. Using a mix of PVM and pking.

    As in a road to Tbow's value in cash? Interesting, I think a road to max cash would probably be better.

  9. 9 hours ago, Ollie V1 said:

    Donator ranks in game are ugly. I hope we can turn them off as I don't wanna see people flex with there gold dollar sign like they are better then you. ? I have donator in Ikov and hate the icons in game. Haha guess some people like this though. 

    +1, couldn't agree more. I'm all for giving the incentive of the dollar sign to people that want it, I personally would rather go without or be able to switch it off if I choose to do so. 



    If you enjoy a clean client with no yell, no donar signs, etc. Then why are you playing a RSPS in the first place, that makes absolutely no sense. Do you understand how stupid that sounds?

    @Ollie I sense you have not had breakfast before posting this, or somebody took a piss on your front lawn. Firstly, people play private servers for many different reasons, predominantly because of a faster exp rate, smaller tight knit communities & to avoid having to spend countless hours to build an account which some of us simply do not have as we have other commitments taking up our time. Furthermore, I'd also reflect your own statement back at you in relation to 'how stupid that sounds' when you signal that you play a private server to see dollar signs & yells, to me, that makes absolutely no sense as neither really add to the overall quality of your in-game experience. You enjoy your day though g ?


  10. 9 hours ago, Skills said:

    Dude.. I was hoping I wasn't the only person. I love watching Kitchen Nightmares. I recently finished up The 100, but I'm also looking for more TV shows to binge on my days off.

    Kitchen nightmares is jokes, try his hotel series after & if you finish that, his road trip with Gino & Fred was very good as well ?

  11. See I was going to go for this but I have a few usernames that I snapped up on release which are a lot more unique so it would be from those, I'll pm you to see which one you'd go for pal

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